Part 1 - Secrets

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"Tessa! Travis! Time to go to school!" I hear my mom yelling while I put on my shoes. I take my backpack and I go to the kitchen. "What took you so long, honey? It's almost time to go to high school." My brother comes after me with his backpack.

Tessa: "I know mom, I won't be late. In less than 10 minutes I will be at school, don't worry about it."

Travis: "Mom, I need a ride to school. I have my geography project upstairs and I can't just walk."

Carol: "Okay, I will drive you. Tessa? Do you need me to drop you at school?"

Tessa: "No, thank you.

Carol: "Have a good day, honey." She kisses my cheek and I leave.

I get out of my house and I start to walk to school. While I walk down the streets, I see him and my heart starts to beating faster. He sees me and he stops, smiling at me.

"Hi, Tessa!"

"Hello Hardin."

"It bothers you if we go together at school?" Yes, I want to say, but my heart says the opposite.


"How was your summer?"

"Great... I traveled a lot with my family. Yours?"

"I worked all summer."

"Nice... How your mother after her divorce?" Why are you asking him about this? Stupid girl!

"She's fine. She went to London to see my grandparents..."


"What class do you have first?"

"Math. You?"

"Same. And I think we are going to have a lot of classes together this year."

"Yeah..." Great. More stress for me. And more expectations for me. That's wonderful.

After a few minutes we arrive at school and we go to our math class. We are late and there are just to seats empty. Yay, I'm going to stay closer to my crush. What can be better than this? I'm not that brave to tell him what's happening in my mind and my heart. Not now when he is happy with Olivia.

When the math class is done, I go out first, without waiting for him and I go to meet Emma, my bestie.

"Hi girl!" She hugs me and I rub her back. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. Let's go to the English class." She takes my hand and we walk to our next class.

"I walked to the school with Hardin."

"Oh..." She smiles at me. She's the only one who knows that I like Hardin. "And?"

"And he asked me if I'm ok going together at school. And I said yes."

"Very nice... Something is changing in your relationship?"

"Just friends. Nothing more. He is happy with Olivia."

"Why you don't want to tell him?"

"Because I don't want to mess up our friendship."

"But it's not right for you to keep this inside."

"It's better to be friends than to tell him what I feel. As I know him, he will ignore me for the rest of the year and maybe next year."

"You don't know what he will do if you don't try."

"I don't want to try anything, Emma. I'm good as I am." We enter in the class and we go to the back seats.

"You are a loser."

"Shut up." I say when our teacher enters in the class.

And here it is our last class and again I have the same class as Hardin. Why we have the same interest on some subjects?

"Hello again." He says while he sits next to me.

"Hi." I smile.

"Can you give me a pen, please? And a paper?" He laughs. "I might forgot to bring any of this today."

"Yeah, sure." I take out a pen and some papers and I give them to him.

"Thanks, Tess."

The class starts and Hardin is playing with my pen all the time which made me to not paying attention to class. When the class is over, I leave before everyone, but Hardin catch me.

"Hey, are you going home?"

"No, I'm going to do some groceries. Sorry." I shrug.

"Oh, ok."

"Bye, bye!"

"See you tomorrow!"

I go in the opposite direction. I lied him because I don't want to stay that closer to him. My feelings for him are stronger if I stay with him, but I don't want this. I can't fuck up his perfect relationship.

I take a walk in the park and I just think about him. Why this everything has to be so complicated in my life? Why I have to fall in love with the wrong boy? But wait... This is the teenage and it's a classic story for being in love.

I walk through the park and I feel the rain. Fuck. Why? I start to walk faster back to my house, but it starts to pour and I'm wet in less than a minute.

"Tess?" I hear his voice and I feel goosebumps all over my body. "Come here!" He yells and I see his car. You will get cold if you don't go. So, once in a lifetime, step on your ego and go! I run to his car and I get inside, wiping my face from the raindrops.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Are you done with shopping? I don't see any groceries."

"What? Oh, I have them in my backpack. I didn't need too much stuff."

"That's good. How was your day?"

"Good. What about you?"

"Yeah, same."

After 15 minutes we arrive in the front of my house.

"Thanks for the ride, Hardin."

"No problem, Tess. Have a good afternoon."

"You too."

I open the door and I run to my house. I lock the door and I go in the kitchen. I look outside. Hardin is still there. What is he doing? Maybe he stays there until the rain will stop. I leave from the window and I quickly make a sandwich. I always think about him and I have no idea how to move one. There is no other guy who is like him. Hardin is smart, kind, handsome, friendly, everything. But he is taken. Olivia is so lucky to have him! Why it's not me instead of her? Oh, I know why! I'm the shyest girl alive and I can't talk with a boy without blushing. I know I should leave my feelings outside, but if I do this, I will destroy their relationship, my friendship with Hardin and everything. So, I will just shut my mouth and if sometime in this life I will have the opportunity to tell him about this, then I will do it.


And here it is the first part of "Another Love", the story is a little bit edited and I can't wait to read you opinions about the first part. Thank you for reading the first part! Enjoy!

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