Part 14 - A New Beginning

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A few weeks later...

"And the last box." I say as I let a box on the floor in my dorm.

"I can't believe you are here, honey."

"I will be fine, mom. I'm two hours away from home, Hardin is living in this building. I will be more than fine." I hug her.

"I'm sorry that your father and Travis couldn't be here..."

"That's fine, mom."

"Good. I think it's time for me to leave."

"Thank you for bringing me here." I kiss her cheek.

"I love you, baby!"

"I love you, mum! Call me as soon as you are back home, ok?"

"I will, baby."

I hug my mother one more time, then she leaves. I close the door and I start to unpack my stuff. I'm alone in my dorm, because my roommate didn't arrive yet. After two hours, I'm interrupted by a knock at the door. I stop what I'm doing and I go to open the door.

"Hi, baby." He smiles and he has a rose in his hand.

"Hi!" I smile and I drag him inside.

"What are you doing?" He closes the door and he looks around. "Still unpacking, huh?"

"Yep, but I'm almost done."

"Good. Wanna have dinner together?"

"Yeah, sure. But I have to finish this, ok?"

"Yes, but I want you to make a short pause, so I can kiss you."

"To kiss me?" I smile as I slowly walk to him.

"Yes. Because I saw you yesterday."

"Then kiss me."

He kisses me and I want to say that I missed him. He slowly walks to my bed and he sits down, dragging me onto his lap.

"Hardin..." I say between kisses.

"What?" He stops and he looks at me.

"We can't do this. Not here and not now. I'm not ready. And you said you will wait as much as I need. "

"I just wanted to kiss you. I don't want anything more. I promised you that I will wait and I'm not going to broke my promise."

"You are the best, you know?" I stick my forehead on his and I smile.

"I know. Do you need help to unpack?"

"Yes. We can unpack together and then we can go to eat, right?"


I kiss him one more time, then we get up and he helps me to unpack my last boxes. After one hour, we are done. I quickly change my clothes and we leave my dorm.

"Do you want to walk or we should take my car?"

"We can take your car, if you let me drive." I look at him with a smirk on my face.

"We will walk, then."

"Why you can't let me to drive?"

"Because I am the only one who can drive my car, baby."

"You are mean."

"I'm just protecting my car."

"I promise to not hit it..." I sit in front of him, trying to convince him to let me drive.

"No. I'm sorry baby..." He pecks my lips, but I want to play with him, so I don't kiss him back. "Now, you're mad. Why?"

"Because I want to drive your car and you won't let me drive it." I push him back and I cross my hand in front of my chest.

"You know, it's funny to see you mad because of this."

"So, we are leaving or not?"

"Sure, let's go." I walk in front of him and I hear him laughing. "Stop laughing or I'm going back to my room and I will ignore you."

"Turn back, baby."

"No. Let's walk."

"I can let you drive."

"You are lying."

"Turn around and come take the keys."

"Really?" I turn to him.

"Come here before I change my mind." I quickly walk to him and I take the keys from his hand, giving him a big smile.

"I might want something in exchange, baby."


"I'm still thinking about it."

"Ok, deal." We walk to his car and I get inside, on the driver's seat, while Hardin sits on the passenger seat. I set the seat at my level, I fix the mirrors and then I put my belt on. Hardin is watching me and I can see that he is having a heart attack. "Calm down. I know how to drive a car."

"You don't know how to drive an BMW M8."

"I will be gentle, I promise."

"Go on."

I turn on the car and the sound of the engine makes me smile. I'm not too much into cars, but this one is amazing.

"Easy, ok?"


I drive away and if in the beginning, Hardin was scared, he starts to relax and he let his hand on my thigh, squeezing it from time to time. After 30 minutes, we stop at McDrive to order our dinner. When we are done, we decide to eat in my room. After a good meal, we just stay on my bed and I'm playing with his hair.

"I take back my words. You are a good driver."

"Thank you." I smile. "What do you want in exchange for these words?"

"I want you." He looks at me and I quickly get up.

"You said you will wait."

"And I will wait. We are not going to have sex. Not tonight." He stands up and he comes to me. "But we can have fun in other ways, baby." He takes my hands, dragging me to him. "We can satisfy each other without having sex." He lifts up my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

"I've never done this..." I say so quiet and I have no idea if he heard me.

"That's ok. I can show you what do you. Just if you want it."

"I want it, but where?" I whisper.


"What if my roommate will come tonight?"

"Then let's go in my dorm."

"But your roommate?"

"I have a single room..."

"But how?"

"Well, it's a long story. So? Do you want to spend the night with me?"

"Yes. Let me take a pajama and some products and we can go."

I quickly take a bag and I put inside some clothes, lingerie and my skincare products, then we leve to his room. I'm curious how he has a single room... I would kill for this.


It's time for a new chapter: University. They are starting college soon. Hardin helps Tessa to unpack, then they have a little fight about Tessa driving his car. He gaves up with a condition: he wants to do things with her, but not with sex. She accepts it and they go to Hardin's room. How everything will go?

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