5.The Prophecy

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Jimin started narrating the story to Jungkook...

Four centuries ago, there lived a ambitious and cruel king, who was ruling southern part of Korea. He was the first king to travel abroad from our country to explore foreign land . In one such exploration, he fell in love with one beautiful English girl.

" Rebellious... !! "

The king married the girl and brought back to his castle. All his disciples accepted her as their queen and they ruled for two years together , but some cruel ministers convinced the king to marry a Korean girl to get a authentic Korean heir for their nation.

" Woooo! Villains!!! "

The King remarried an arrogant Korean girl , but he couldn't make the Korean girl as Niva's queen because of his affection for Queen Johanna..

" Remarried?! I guess, Just another excuse for his unquenchable thirst!! Hopeless guy!! " Jungkook sighs..

Queen Johanna was constantly on pressure when the king remarried . But her only happiness was her favourite boy Kim Taeyoung. He was the son of her friend and queen's maid in the castle.

" Kim Tae- Taeyoung... Strange "

After Taeyoung mother's death, Queen was the one who took care of the boy. She brought up him like her own son. When he was Two years old, queen gave birth to a beautiful boy baby in the month of September.

" I know... Our hero ' The Prince'?? "

Yes....September was the month of celebration in the whole castle even that time. King built a castle near a beautiful mountain to gift her queen, who gave him a boy heir to their rule. The castle was built by English architectural design. The place is now called as Niva.

" By any chance... Are you talking about our school?! "

Yeah! Our school is renovated from a castle by our founder Jhope, who wrote the book ' The Prophecy' . It could be totally his imagination or real story. Because some evidence supports his theory.

" Continue...the story Jimin "

The boy was beautiful just like her mother but he looked like a Korean boy, his father is happy to see the Korean features in the boy and the boy was named after his mother and father as John Jeongguk.

" What??!! John Jeongguk... It sounds like
Jeon Jungkook... My name...??!! Are you kidding? "

" Jeon is comman name here... But I'm surprised to know that whole name sounds like yours... Strange right?! " Jimin says...

" Yeah! Strange again... Then what happened? "

Years later...

The beautiful prince Gguk was loved and adored by everyone in the region except by the cruel ministers and Kim Taeyoung.

" That Queen's favorite boy hate the prince?! Another Villian?? "

The orphan boy ran away from Queen at the age of 10. He thought Queen ignored him after her son. Queen was worried about her first son and she searched for him in the whole nation. But she couldn't find him, until one day a warrior informed her that he got Taeyoung with him. Taeyoung came to castle again.

" Why did he came back? To kill Gguk?? Ohh... I feel so attached to that Prince.. "

" It's because of your name similarity I guess..." Jimin says

Queen brought back her first child and got him trained by the same warrior. But Kim Taeyoung still hates Gguk, because of his jealousy and possessiveness over the Queen Mother.

" Villian alert!! "

One day Gguk fell in to the river, Taeyoung saved him from drowning, from that day they become friends. Their friendship bloom in to love relationship. They were in love with each other .

" Love?? They both are boys... "

" Could be gay couples.... ?? " Jimin says

" Back in 17 th century? Bold!! But isn't Gguk , The prince was in love with a tiger? " Jungkook asked.

" Yeah... That's another story... I got two handwritten notes of Jhope about this story. I donno where the original book is..., the tiger part is the second part of the story"

" Hmm... " Jungkook hums, he got little attached to the story.

Their relationship was found by the king and for aiding the relationship, The king hanged his queen. He ordered his guards to give a merciless death to Kim Taeyoung.

" OMG! "

Guards took him to the deepest forest in the mountain and decided to feed him to a ferocious tiger. Gguk followed them to save his love from the fatal death. But he was late.

" That's how they both died? Attacked by a tiger?? "

No... When Kim Taeyoung was tied in a tree and left by the guards . Gguk waited behind another tree for them to leave. But the gigantic tiger came ready to pounce on his prey.

Gguk had seconds to decide. He decided to die before his love and came in between the tiger and his love. The eyes of ferocious tiger widens on witnessing both boys, the tigers body scatters in the air in magical way and only the soul of tiger enters the boys body. They were out of their conscious for days.

" Both boys?!! What happened then"

" That's all written in the second part... "

" You donno what happened next...? "

" I only know people version of this story, I'm trying to get the final part of the story and the prophecy of the magical tiger"

" What's the people version of how this story ends"

" It's just... The Prince was in love with some blue eyed tiger in the forest and said to be lived together. His father knows and one day he invited The Prince to the castle, he killed him Skeptically.

The tiger had his vengeance by burning everyone, The king, his wife, the cruel ministers.... Like everyone in the castle who failed to save his Prince. After some years the tiger was dead and his soul is still said to be in mountain "

" Is this how it ends? "

" No.... There is something else... Something else everyone are missing. There is some more mystery to this story. If I try to investigate... Everyone is calling me obsessed... So I'm subtly doing it... I have many evidence too... One day they will accept my theory "

" I believe you Jimin....but,Why didn't you try ask your parents?! "

" My parents are dead in an accident... Jin eomma adopted me... Since he is working in the school. I live in thisdorm. He lives in staff quarters"

" I'm so sorry Jimin"

" That's ok... I'm over it"

Jungkook suddenly pulled Jimin in for a hug to comfort him. Jimin is in tears in the embrace of Jungkook, thinking about his tragic life. May be that's the reason he is too much obsessed with this tragic story.

Jungkook suddenly feels responsible for Jimin. He felt heart ache when he saw Jimin shedding tears. He couldn't tolate the fact that there is a tragic story behind this cute being. He wanted to pamper Jimin for all his life.

" Jimin!!! Will you be my friend for life? "

" Of course Kookie.... "

THE PROPHECY ( TOP TAE VERSION) ♡Where stories live. Discover now