73. Dethroned

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* warning ⚠ some words can be disturbing to some readers.. You can skip the conversation after warning⚠ sign. Mention of King's death and suicide attempts.. *

Year 2022..

Principal Namjoon's office..

" Jimin said to me in late 1800's that August 31 is the day his mother gave up her soul and it is the most devastating day in his never ending cursed life. He sometimes gets nightmares like he is living the entire day again and again... Poor Jimin been through a lot...." Yoongi said with his glossy eyes

Both Namjoon and Jin are trying to hold their tears holding Kookie in between them. They are trying to console the boy who is hysterically crying hearing about the dead prince...

When Jimin was called by Tae to his office room, Jungkook ran into Jin's office. Then Jin took him to Namjoon's office where Yoongi is discussing with Namjoon about the school matters.

When Kookie asked Yoongi about Gguk's death, he told him the entire story until the death of tigress, which made Kookie cry rivers. He also revealed about his secret life as cats and also how he is living for two hundred years travelling along the tiger and his cubs..

Jin and Namjoon know about Yoongi's cat life , but its a new information for Kookie. Now Kookie knows the cat with which Jae fell in love with. Kookie wanted to know more about Jimin.

" Gguk's death is the reason for Jimin's nightmare.. " Yoongi said worriedly..

"But hyung??!! Jimin was just an infant that time... How did he remember everything...??! " Kookie asked...

" Jimin was an infant but you should know that he is also a son of magical tiger by birth. The struggles and the death of his mother in front of his eyes, his father's screams and cry everything affected him so much which caused him to have nightmares with even small triggers.

In this five years period you are his bigger trigger and you are going to be his permanent cure.. " Yoongi said worried about Jimin...

" What happened after tigress death?! " Kookie asked...

" TaeYoung knows by heart that Gguk's last wish is to save his cubs and avoid war with king. He decided to stay in the forest to save his cubs....But still he couldn't tolerate the loss of Gguk, so he teleported to the castle court next day, Burned the entire court with all the ministers and some warriors in it.

TaeYoung brought King to the village people, he threw him on the streets. He dethroned him all the while the installing great terror on the King's mind. King by then understood he have no way to escape his death.

All King prayed is for quick death, but Tae caged him in the middle of the streets for everyone to see. He slowly installed the terror in the heart of king by turning in to his tiger form. Those blue eyes killed the remaining pride in King's eyes.

The tiger gave him the slow and terrible death anyone can think of. King's body gaveup after three days of pure torture.Even after his death no village people came forward to give him a proper burial. The remaining body way thrown in to the forest for wild animals to eat.

TaeYoung, who got frustrated with his life without Gguk, tried to take his own life several times. But for the sake of of his cubs he is holding his cursed life for this long. Tae hyung is not just waiting to be reunited with you, he is holding his cursed life for his kids too... "

" Who cursed TaeYoung? " Kookie asked..

" The blue eyed tiger... ! "

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