30. Tempting

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Taehyung is talking seriously with Namjoon standing at the entrance of his room while Jungkook leans forward from the bed to eavesdrop what's his Principal and his History teacher is talking about..

" Joon!! Can they stay here tonight??!! Can you issue some special permission letter to warden for Jimin and Jungkook to let them stay here...?! "

" You are the school trustee... You run this school... You order I execute... Hyung!! But if you want me to issue a proper permission letter to his warden.. It's like documenting out mistake...

I can't just write ' allowed him to stay with us because we wants to.. ' give me some valid reason... I'll write permission letter mentioning it... Otherwise let's deal this problem unofficially... I'll just inform warder over phone unofficially... "

" Yeah you are right... But it's should be documented one... Otherwise we will face issues in future.. You know who attacked Jimin and Jae in the woods??!! It's that real estate mafia gang... They thought they can tame a tiger with some Huskies...

It's gonna be a big problem later amoung town people... If there comes a question about witness's stay, We should be well prepared , so Jimin's stay here should be documented one... Otherwise we will have to face legal issues.. Just think of some valid excuses.. "

" Ok... Hear me.. Jimin along with Jungkook tried to go to tiger falls, there they got attacked by huskies.. Somehow they escaped and came for help to the near by home... Which is yours..

You called me after rescuing them and asked for permission to make them stay here.. Because they were traumatized by this incident. And....Let's just not include Jaemin's name anywhere here..

She is not a boarding student, so she is not at risk... Let's prepare both Jungkook and Jimin to say this identically... Ok??!! "

" Yeah!! Good... That way they won't get in any issues related to the tiger. Let's go with this... Everything should be documented and clear. Ok.. I'll make a call and leave a message to your phone in case they investigate.. " Tae said

" Ok hyung!!! Don't worry I'll make a similar phone call and leave a message to warden.. "

Jungkook just heard their discussion, here and there. He didn't understand a word other than Namjoon talking to Tae in respectable way.
After their serious discussion, Tae went to check on his cubs. Both were sleeping besides Jin. So he let them rest and came back to his room to sleep. He saw Jungkook laid on his side wide awake in the bed..

" Baby??! Are you still awake?? I thought you slept.. " Tae asked Jungkook and layed near him on his side facing him..

" Hyung!! If you don't mind... May I know your age??!! "

" Do you really want to know.. Baby?! What if you don't like me after knowing my age.. "

" Try me... I don't think you are above 30... You barely look 25... Or....like...What are you younger than me??!! "

" May be.. Have a guess baby"

" Are you really younger than me..?? Then how did you got those many degrees in different subjects?! By any chance... Are you the child prodigy they show in news??!! who got many degrees at Ten? "

" I don't think he is from our province.. Is his name is same as mine....?! "

" Who knows??!! I usually get nauseous around Toppers... Then think about a prodigy.. I might have fainted on seeing that news... Please say you are not him... It's enough for me... Your age doesn't even matter now.. "

" You are so funny baby, just like my Ggukie... "

" Why are you always calling me Ggukie... I'm Kookie... "

" Ok Kookie... How you are managing around Jimin.. He is a topper right?! "

" It's a big story... In breif... Some strange pull....we become thick friends.. Then only I found out he is a topper.. Felt little nauseous... But got used to it... Because I love him... But....Hey!! Don't mistake us.. We are just thick friends.. and he is really straight.."

" Unlike you... Fake straight Kookie!!! Don't worry... I know about your bond with Jimin... You can love him all you want... I love him too... The same way as you..."

" I know.. This topper shit love... He told me.. You love toppers..right?! Then why do you even love me??!! I'm not a topper..."

" Because... I want a dumb wife.. I like my student to top... And my dumb wife to bottom "

" Wohhh!!! You are so mean... First of all I'm not going to be your wife, I may become your husband... I'm not that dumb!! Then... I decided to bottom just for you... Otherwise... Usually I top... "

" You are my dumb-bottom-wife... End of discussion "

" Hyung!!! " Jungkook whines...

" You look so tempting baby!! Like really mouth watering.. Your pink lips.. Let's start from kiss..??!! Let's take it slow..??!!"

" Mhhh!!! How does it feel to kiss another male?! " Jungkook dreamily asks

" I donno about that... But I know how it feels like to be kissed by your love"

" Haaooww?! " Jungkook dragged..

Jungkook moaned with hooded eyes, Taehyung's black eye balls slightly turned dark blue and it hypnotised Jungkook. He rolled his eyes back and slowly closed it slowly loosing himself in the deep dark blue ocean named Taehyung .

Tae closed the gap between them, he adored the sight of his cute fawn. Small cute face with big doe like eyes. He looked like a cute little bunny. Taehyung wants to do everything he used to do to his big baby Ggukie .

But Tae knows how Gguk struggled his transition as a boy who love another boy back in their initial relationship. Tae don't want to push Jungkook to do everything in a single night. He is just starting at the beautiful sight of his wife.

Many details in Jungkook's face gave him a awe feeling. Tae remember he used to kiss a lot in the cute dimple under Gguk's pulpy bottom lips. Now Jungkook have a cute little mole there. Taehyung wondered how it came..

" How long do I have to wait ??!! " Jungkook asked...

" Ggukie babie... Once I start... I'm afraid I can't stop it.. You look damn beautiful "

" You have great control hyung!! "

"Years and Years of practice... "

Like 300 years!!

" But I don't have such control... I want to be kissed now.. "

Taehyung leaned forward, kissed Jungkook on his nose tip and asked..

" How much do you want to be kissed by me? "

" Very much.. "

Jungkook deliberately pouted his lips to tease Taehyung, because they are too close that when Jungkook pout , his lips slightly graces Tae's lips.

" Baby!! You are teasing me... My control is not that strong.. "

" Hyung!!! Tell me... What will you do to me if I didn't asked you to wait..."

" Why are you asking this..? "

" Reserch purpose.. I want to know how gay I'm for you.. I want to see if I gets excited or feel awkward "

" Don't worry you will be excited when I do it... I'm not good with words..but... Action speaks louder.."

" Tsk!! Its seems like I should do google research... I want to know how I'm gonna feel.... Before really doing it.. "

" I have a better idea... " Tae says.

" What is that.. "

" There are some books with Yoongi... It's written in ancient hangul. It was written by a boy who had similar situation.. Exactly similar situation in his life... I want you to read it with the help of a hair stylist... Yoongi will guide you..."

" Yoongi sir!!! Strict physics teacher.. I doubt he will help us with our love... "

" All my friends.. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi... Everyone will do anything to make our love work... Because they know that..
You are my future"

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