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"Mine?! My perfume?!" Jungkook asked in shock tone..

" I mean...your flavour... The Petrichor flavour... Ok you can go back to your class. "

" Thank you sir... "

Jungkook left the office to his class, when the class was still going on. He wanted to share everything happened in the office room with Jimin, but at the same time he is little hesitant to talk about it for some reasons.

After that class, Jimin asked Jungkook what happened in the office room. Jungkook just shrugged it off saying it just official and no biggie. Jimin is little doubtful still he said ok.

Last class...History .

"Kookie... Mr. Kim said anything about your hair? " Jimin asked

" Nothing much... But I assured him I'll trim my hair by this weekend. "

" Wow! That's new... He never tolerate the persons who defy rules of the school I thinks he likes you too..." Jinin

Why does he want me to defy rules, then?

Is he really flirting with me?!

When Jungkook and Jimin are talking about Taehyung, he enters the class to make every girl in the class to widen their eyes. His always well set hair is waving and jumping because of the air.

" Good Afternoon students.. " Taehyung is standing in front of the students with unusual excitement and teasing smile.
He looks extra handsome and charismatic than morning and Jungkook couldn't take his eyes of Taehyung.

Girl, who were already having crush on Taehyung dropped their jaw to ground looking at his charismatic figure. He is the most sexist man if he wants to be one. That's how girls are talking about him.

As usual Taehyung is writing the date in the board like how he used to do. But this time the date look bigger and bold. And his face glow extra colors while he wrote the date. Because he knows the iimportance of today's date.

" Students!! So... It's History class... " Taehyung enthusiastically says while rubbing his two palms.

All the students noticed the difference in Taehyung's behaviour. He is happy and charming in this class. He was not like this in the morning maths class, but he is a changed man now.

" Something fishy!! " Jimin says slightly bends towards Jungkook to ask him something..

" Kookie... He wasn't like this in the afternoon at lunch right? What happened in the office room ." Jimin whispers.

" No... He was normal when we spoke... he was not like this.. "

" Oh!! " Jimin pointedly looks at Jungkook and turned to his teacher.

" So... Shall we go straight to text books... Or let's talk some interesting history for the first class.??!! "

No one in the class wants to start their syllabus right away in first class, all screams in chorus to go off the syllabus. Because usually Taehyung won't talk anything other than syllabus. Students are excited to see this side of Taehyung.

" Interested students can talk about the history they know... It could be about anything.. Your family history, our national History, global history or any historic event...

Or any historic person who inspired you... It could be anything.... Come stand in the front and share it with your friends...

I'm gonna sit amoung you and listen to your historic story. You can talk about historic movies if you want... No restrictions today.. Just have fun.. "

THE PROPHECY ( TOP TAE VERSION) ♡Where stories live. Discover now