38. Surprise!!

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That night before bed time..

Jimin and Jungkook are talking about breaking in to the secret room. Jimin slight have sone ideas about the content of the room, but he was little bit worried about Jungkook, as he might panic on seeing thi se things...

" Kookie!! Keep your mind blank and should not get panicked on seeing anything... Ok??! It's crucial that whatever we saw inside is going to be somehow related to those books and the prince means it could be related to you.. Made up your mind according to that... "

" Jimin!! Don't scare me... I know you knew something... Just tell me what should I expect.. ?! "

" I can't say anything now...Kookie.. First let me get that duplicate key... Only after that we know whether we can go or not.. Don't ask me anymore questions... I'll be confused..." Jimin sighed

" Ok... Can I ask one last question?? Swear I won'tt ask you anything anymore... Please "

Kookie begged which melted Jimin's heart, lately whenever Kookie cried or get worried Jimin is feeling a pang in his heart. The magnitude varies from how worried Kookie is.

" Ok... Ask... You don't have to beg me, I just wanted to protect you..."

" That's ok... But answer me...Did you really saw the tiger that day?! The blue eyes tiger with magical powers... ? Like the one from the myth?!"

" Yes! But I'm Still not sure whether its the magical tiger Or some normal wild tiger" Jimin lied, he didn't want to confuse already confused boy..

" How come a normal tiger let go of you and Jaemin without making a single scratch on you?? It's impossible... It did attack the dogs right? "

" Yeah! But....Why do you think that magical tiger leave me and Jaemin without hurting us?? "

" I donno. But.. I feel there is something between you and the magical tiger with blue eyes" Jungkook said

" Why do you say that?! "

" Do you remember my first night here in dorm...? You might not... But I remember as it happend yesterday.. After midnight you were having nightmares and started blabbering usual stuffs.. I thought to wake you and calm you but I couldn't move my hands and there was a thin sheet on my face.

After a lot of struggle, I managed to open my eyelid still couldn't move my body, I saw a black shadow with two bright blue lights on face sitting near you and if I'm right I heard that shadow speaking to you..

"Everything will be alright Jimin! "

That time I thought it was my nightmare Or my imagination, that's why I didn't share it with you... But I've felt someone's presence near our room Or your bed whenever you get that nightmare.

I couldn't believe my own eyes, but after all super natural things happening around us.. I think anything is possible now, and.... "

" and??! What? "

" I think I've seen the same pair of dull blue eyes multiple times when Tae hyung lost himself in front of me.. Not the bright one like the black shadow's eyes , but a dilated faded blue!!! I thought it was my hallucinations... But now??!! "

" You think Tae hyung is the blue eyes tiger? "

" and the shadow which often comes to our room, yeah it's him, Tae hyung! ....he comes to our room when we sleep to see.... Us or just YOU... !! Yes he have something to do with you... and I'm damn sure he has something to do with your parents... Because whenever you shout calling your appa and eomma while having nightmare , he was there by your side to soothe you"

" Are you sure? You saw it?? You think?? He knew my parents?! "

" Could be!! "

" What do you suggest? Can we go to him and ask him about everything? What if he got panicked and vanished in to the forest because we found his secret? " Jimin asked

" He won't!! He cares for us... He won't run away from us and there is something he is often asking me, from the day he saw me...

" Do you remember me...?

Do you remember me..?? "

He wants me to remember something, so he won't hide from us rather he want us to find something by ourselves... "

" Yeah!! About Your part, I totally get it... It's just my part I'm not getting!! " Jimin sighed


" Park Jimin!!! Here... Your key!! Remember, I'm not giving this to you... I donno you and you never ever heard of me... That how it should be... Here your reference picture....

Destroy everything after single use... You know about the school rules right?! " A boy threw a a thing wrapped on a paper in to Jimin's hand and rushed to go out of the room.

" Yeah stranger! I'll destroy... don't worry thank you for helping" Jimin replied to the boy

 don't worry thank you for helping" Jimin replied to the boy

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" Secret room key??? How did you get it??? " Jungkook asked...

" Last night.... I filled the keyhole with hot glue gun and got the rough dimensions of the key.. Already I got the picture of original key when Yoongi sir opened the secret room last time...

With these dimensions and reference picture.. He made that in his own workshop... He is our junior, I asked him to help me... Other than that he knew nothing.."

" Wow! You brain is dangerous! "

" Nah!! It's just basic... Whatever....tell me What time should we go there.? To the secret room?!"

" After four am... Midnight is dangerous... Tae may come to see you, then if we are absent here then we may get caught.. "

" Yeah! You are right.. "

" Do you think, he have that invisible power , where he can be invincible and wandering somewhere ??! "

" If he got that power, he wont be wandering somewhere else.... Because all he cares about is here in this room... So he could be here!! Let's hope he don't possess such power... "

I don't, dear!! It's just.. I can teleport.

Smartest son Jimin!!

You inherited all your father's brain!

And Jaemin inherited all your mother's beauty...

Shame that you always takes your mother's side...

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