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" So Kookie..?!You mean to say Mr. Kim is hovering over you.. In your visions?? " Jimin clearly asked to confirm his calculations.

" How do you know?? I only said he is hovering over the bed?? " Jungkook shockingly asked, he didn't wanted to look like a pervert before Jimin. But he is caught now.

"Your left.... His right... Then he must be hovering over you... Simple as that.... So you just had a wet vision of Mr. Kim? "

" I heard of wet dreams... What is this wet vision?? And.... How is this my fault when I clearly said it's involuntary???"

"Because.... Both are same... You pervert Kookie..just call your imagination as your vision...ok leave that....Just now I had a vision... " Jimin says..

" Ohh!!! " Jungkook says with his thoughts some where else.

" Kookie pabo... Ask me what kinda vision I had" Jimin sighs..

" I know either way you gonna tell me... Then what's the point of asking... ?!Ok go ahead, tell me what kinda vision... " Jungkook asked.

" I had chicken dumplings, potato pan cakes and Japchae in my vision.. You know why??!! Because it's going to be dinner time and I'm hungry... Do you get my point? " Jimin questions Jungkook.

" Are you accusing me for being hungry for Mr. Kim... Huh?? Unbelievable Minie.. I just came to this school and I'm straight.... " Jungkook words are interrupted by Jimin..

" Please dont.... Just don't call yourself straight... You are already head over heels for that man.... And to be honest... You are hungry for him to picture him that way.. "

" Minie???!! Trust me... I just blinked... And it came to my eyes... I don't even recognize that place , that atmosphere, his accessories and many other things... Everything was different in my vision... Frankly... If you would ask me.. I would have pictured him naked, if I could control my vision " Jungkook frankly said.

Jimin is awestruck with Jungkook's answer, he looked Jungkook from head to toe with his judging eyes, but he thought Jungkook has a point. He could have seen familiar things and familiar attire, but he didn't...

" Ok.. You have a point... I believe you... But please dont picture him naked like that... He is our teacher... And.... "

" I just did Minie.. It is tempting " Jungkook gulps his own saliva.

" I was about to say... Don't tell me...even if you picture him... I know your dirty mind will do it, just don't describe it to me" Jimin sighs shaping his forehead.

" My bad!!"

" Ok.... Come to the point, what else you saw other than Mr. Kim.. "

Jungkook closed his eyes for a second to recall his vision and a smirk formed in his face. Jimin face palmed knowing about Jungkook's visions and imaginations.

" Just exclude Mr. Kim and tell the other details... I can't do this to him... I'm his loyal student "

" So be it... I'm his dirty student then... Ok listen... It's a straw house, because I see ceiling made of straw behind his head... More wood.... Mhhh.... Then...a stick or sword in my right side pillow.. I donno some kinda weapon... Then..... His unusual chain made of black rope.. His sweet smile... Glassy eyes.... Blue orb"

" Tskkkk.....Stop stop.. Enough with the details.... It's really confusing... Have you been to his house?! Or did I tell you about his house? "

" You said you visited his house with your father sometimes.. Nothing else... Why? "

" His house is a one big straw house... It's really enchanting Kookie...!!Did you by any chance had any head trauma and forgot your past like me? "

" No.... Only injury I had is this cheek wound... Ahhhhh!!! How did I forget?? I left a big information in our conversation...He took special interest in my cheek scar"

" your scar?? When? "

" In today's class... He touched it caressed it... Owwww!!! His touches are magic... I forgot myself for some minutes...listen Park Jimin!!! I'm gay for him... " Jungkook dreamily says..

" Finally!!! Finally... You decided to accept it... I knew something was going on when your writing become scribbling and suddenly you dropped your pen.. I knew it!! Were you receiving orgasmic pleasure in his touch? "

" Jimin!!! It feels odd to speak with you like this... But it's beyond orgasmic pleasure... It felt like heaven... You shorty decided to cough and distract... Which pulled me back from heaven to this hell.. " Jungkook said with fake glare..

" You should've rather left me to die... " Jimin sighs..

" Cough won't kill you... Besides my friend is more important to me... His touches... I'll be getting more in the future.... Omg! Shit! "

" What now?! "

" Me... Like a good boy.... snapped at him for touching me... He swears, he won't touch me until I beg for it"

" Ahhh!!! Respect!! You deserve it dirty boy!! You totally deserve it... My respect for Tae sir...suddenly rocketed high"

" Tsk... What an idiot??!!? I ruined it" Jungkook sighs

" If you are that worried, just beg him to touch you... It's simple as that... " Jimin says

" No... Let's see who wins this game "

" So much for a straight boy!!! " Jimin pinches his nose bridge and sighs.

Jimin and Jungkook become inseparable friends in just two days. Jimin wishes best for both Jungkook and Taehyung, like a good friend he is. He decided to search deep about this, because he still couldn't believe Taehyung's behaviour and still couldn't read his intentions.

Something is relating all these occurrences to his favourite mythical story, but he shrugged it off thinking it's because of his obsession. But something beyond the name is similar to that myth, he could feel it but can't accept it to himself.

" Such a bratt Jin... I can't with him... He is so different from my Gguk... Isn't he supposed to be like my Gguk? According to the prophecy?! "

" Yeah! But isn't your Gguk bratt too?? " Jin asked

" Yeah he was!! A little... But he was a bright student... Quick learner.. Such a sharp boy... Kookie is so blunt... You should have seen him write the formulas today... If he was any other student, I would have smack him in the back of his head... " Taehyung says.

" Taehyung!!! You were caressing his cheek, what do you expect him to do??!! Concentrate and write..?? "

" Yeah!!! You are right... Ahhh!!! Still.... Something is missing... Gguk didn't resent me before... "

"Kookie didn't resent you too... He is just confused... Give him time Taehyung... " Jin says..

" Let's invite him home this weekend?? " Taehyung asked in excitement.

" Yeah!! I'll talk about that to Jimin... Let's do it subtly... But you should be careful around him....control your harmones... Let's take it slow.. Should not scare him away" Jin says..

" Yeah!!! I'll try my best, anyway I promised myself not to touch him... But just think about me Jin... 400 years without him... I'm in drought for my Gguk..." Taehyung says yearning..

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