Chapter One| Finding Him

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I wake up with a yawn and quickly get out of bed. I know that if I stay there for too long I'll end up falling back asleep. My parent's have always been strict with my daily schedule because, even though my parents are Alpha and Luna of the Tribu Intrepidus Pack of Montana and I'm future Luna if I don't happen to find my mate before my coming of age. I still have responsibilities around the pack. I hunt for most of the food we eat around here. Along with Cooper and Ian we're the only hunters but we are damn good at our job.

"Hunter!" My mom calls.

"Coming!" I yell running down the stairs to the main floor of the house.

"Are you finished your school work?" My father asks.

I'm also home schooled. Not by my parents but by the pack tutor and she's actually an amazing teacher. I rarely get homework but on the odd occasions I do; it's not much and I always finish in under an hour.

"Yes Alpha. I finished last night and ran it to the tutors house." I reply.

"Good. Now, I don't think that Cooper and Ian would appreciate it if I kept you from the hunt much longer." He chuckles as I make my way to the door.

"Thanks. I'll see you soon!" I shout as I shut the door and run to meet up with Cooper and Ian.

I always meet the two at the entrance to the forest and for some reason it seems that Ian and Cooper aren't there.

"Coop? Ian?" I shout.

"Hey, sorry we're late." Cooper huffs. "We got detained at the house because our parents thought it unwise of us spending an unhealthy amount of time with a girl who probably wont be our mate so as you know my parents, we got a lecture and than we left regardless."

"You never know, I mean I may have Alpha blood coursing though my veins but you have Beta blood and they're almost the same..." I tell in a 'matter-of-fact' way.

"What ever, I think we should get going on the hunt or we wont get any food." Ian laughs.

"Good idea, if I don't come back with a kill by noon my father will probably kill me." I laugh.

The three of us take off running and quickly phase into our wolves. My adrenaline spikes and my wolf takes off on the rush. As I run though the forest I mind-link with Ian and Cooper.

"Find anything yet?" I ask through my mind.

"You are one inpatient she-wolf. We just took off and you already want us to have killed something?" Ian chuckles.

"What ever Ian, I honestly just want to get this hunt done with. I'm tired and just want to sleep." I say with a yawn.

"Same here bro, we need to catch something quick so I can get home and rest." Cooper say.

As we laugh I hear twigs snapping and I know there's pray up ahead. I spot a white tail deer out of the corner of my eyes and my wolf jumps at the chance to catch the creature.

I race after the deer and as I catch up to it I leap forward sinking my sharp teeth into its neck. I feel the blood run down my wolfs face and the adrenaline start to clam.

"Great can we go back now." Cooper whines.

"No, I can go home. You two have to stay and catch something so my dad wont skin you alive." I chuckle.

"Ugh, this is so much work!" Coop groans.

"What ever..." I say dragging the deer effortlessly behind me. "I'll see you back at the house. Mind-link me when you finally get something."

"Yeah, what ever." Ian laughs as I get further and further away.

I approach the house with the deer still clutched between my teeth. This kill was the easiest I've had in a few weeks. Normally it's a mountain lion and they fight back...Hard.

I drop the deer and phase back to my human form. I rush into the house and grab some loose clothes and throw them on before I make my way back down and outside.

I approach my fathers study and knock on the door. When he finally answers that I can come in I push the door open and see him looking at me worryingly. He only ever looks at me when something's wrong. If he wants to tell me he will; if he needs to tell me he will.

"Did you achieve your hunt?" He asks.

"Yes. The deer is out on the law as we speak." I say.

"That's my girl. What about Ian and Cooper?" He knows I'm almost always the first to catch pray but in the odd time it has been known not to happen.

"Still looking." I smile.

"Okay. If you don't mind I would like to speak with all three of you, so once they get back could you come to my office?"

"Yes, of course Alpha." I say with a nod and run back out to the deer.

I string it up by its neck to a tree that sis in my back yard. Without so much as another thought I start to run down the street to where Ian, Cooper and I enter the forest for out hunts.

I hear a twig snap and I wonder if its one of the guys beck with their catch.

"Coop? Ian?" I shout.

From behind me I hear a growl. I spin to face the person behind me but before I can even get half way around my wolf starts to go crazy inside of me.

What the hell is happening?

I turn fully to face a tall, handsome stranger with bright green eyes and jet black hair. He looks about the same age as me or just older.

I hear him growl and jump back. No one has ever growled at me, after all I am Alpha's daughter and I plan on keeping that title for while.

Before I could speak one word to this stranger my wolf screams the word "mate" and luckily it didn't come out of my mouth.

I look into the eyes of the stranger and stumble back when I realize just who I'm looking at; at just who my wolf seems to think is my mate.

Dominic Harper, Alpha of the largest pack in history.

"Mate!" Dominic growls.


First chapter! Yay!

So what do you think? Like? Dislike? Tell me!

Anyways, I promise it will get better as you go on.



(Updated and edited on July 30, 2016)

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