Chapter Ten| They're Back Part 2

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"Let me get this straight." Cooper starts. "Your parents think that people like Dominic don't have mates and that you are just being tricked?"

"Yep thats pretty much it." I reply still speeding down the highway.

"Your parents told the whole pack that you were kidnapped by Dominic and his men." Coop states.

"No, when I went to find you and Ian after I hung up my kill and Dominic was there. At first I didn't trust him but when we touched sparks flew and  I knew he was may mate my wolf knew even before then though. I went to the meeting with my father and he said that our pack was going to kill who ever trespassed onto our land and that just happened to be my mate. I ran of with him to keep him safe. I wasn't kidnapped."

"Awe, Hun I had no idea." Jess says.

"Hun?" Coop asks.

"Jess has adopted a nickname for me." I reply.

"Oh, Hun is definitely not something I would call you." He laughs.

We pull into the packs lane and I start driving faster than I ever have before. I need to get to Dominic before he does something he will regret later. I slam the breaks putting the car into park as I reach the house.

I jump from the car as fast as I can and run into house.

"Dominic!" I shout.

"In here." I hear him shout and it sounds as if he's in our room.

"Are my parents still around?" I ask worryingly.

"They're somewhere around here but no one  can seem to find them." He growls in anger.

"It will be okay, I'm not going to let them take me and Coop and Jess won't let them come near the house." I try reassuring him.

"Coop? Her Mate?" He asks.

"Yes, he was a hunter with me in my old pack. I think he's decided to stay here to make Jess happy because we all know she would never want to  leave here." I say.

As I go to hug Dominic I her a loud growl come from down stairs.

"They're here!" I hear Coop yell.

"Try to fight them!" I shout.

"Like hell! I'm not stronger than an Alpha." He shouts.

"You are an Alpha now you dimwit! Jess is Luna if something happens to me and that would make you Alpha!"

"So she's Beta female?" He asks and I throw my hand to my head.

"No you idiot! She's Dominic's sister!"

Dominic and I rush down to the main floor and see my parents in their human form looking right at us.

"So I see you've taken Cooper now." My mother says.

"Like hell they have!" He growls.

"Than why are you here?" My father asks.

"I found my mate." He snarls.

"Oh that's great but shouldn't the female always go live with the male?" Mom says.

"Not always, I mean they'd have a better life here. Not full of betrayal." I snap.

"Is that any way to talk to your Luna?" My dad snaps.

"She's not my Luna, and you're not my Alpha." I growl.

"Like hell we're not! I told you, Dominic isn't your mate!" Dad growls.

"Like hell he isn't. I've seen the way they act around each other. She's the best thing that's happened to my brother." Jess snarls.

"And who would you be?" Mom asks.

"I would be Hunter's sister. And unlike you two I don't try and keep the people I love away from the people they're meant to be with." She growls.

"You will leave this territory now or you will be killed." I shout.

"You wouldn't kill your parents, would you?" Mom asks with sadness laced in her eyes.

"Depends on how far you take this whole "Dominic-isn't-your-mate" thing." I reply.

"You have changed so much in the weeks that we've been apart. Do you really believe that Dominic is your mate?" She asks.

"I know he's my mate." I growl.

"Get off our territory or you will be killed." Dominic snarls.

"Fine, we'll leave, but remember what we said last time. When Mr. Perfect breaks your heart we'll be there to pick up the pieces."

"That will never happen." I growl as they leave the house and shift into their wolves.


(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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