Chapter Six| Kick Ass She-Wolf Part 2

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As Dominic, Owen and I walk out to the training field I feel as if people are watching us.

Of course people are watching us! I'm the new Luna and I'm with the Alpha, of course I'm being watched.

"Okay first things first, you need to know how to throw a knife." Owen says.

"Where do I throw them?" I ask as we continue to walk.

"At the targets." Dominic relies.

We stop to face three targets. They think that I'm just some girl who can't do shit but I can do more than they think and I'm about to show them up.

Owen grabs three knives and stands on a platform. He throws all three knives and misses the bulls-eye each time. Next is Dominic. He steps up to the platform and throws the knives. He hits one on the bulls-eye but the other two were too high.

I chuckle under my breath and they look at me in shock. "Like you could do any better." Owen judges.

"Knife me." I say holding out my hand.

Owen place three knives in my hand and I stand up on the platform. I smirk at the boys and see that a crowd has gathered around. I toss the knife in the air a few times to judge it's weight. Not too heavy, not too light, just like the ones I hunted and killed with back home.

I throw the knives fast, one after another at the three different targets. I hit each target right in the middle and turn back to the boys who's jaws were hanging.

"What? How? What?" Owen stumbles.

"Did you Alpha forget to mention that I was a hunter and that I am was also future Luna of my pack?" I snarl.

"What ever, I bet you can't shoot a bow straight." He taunts.

Oh no he didn't! Damn, I hunt with a bow all the time. I snap my fingers and Dominic hands me a bow that looks and feels jut like my own. I pull back on the string and test its flexibility and throw the up catching it on the shaft.

Just like back home.

I once again fire rapidly at the three targets hitting only bulls-eye. I chuckle out loud and  look back at Owen who looks gobsmacked.  

"But...How?" He stutters.

I just laugh. "Once again, HUNTER!" I shout.

"You must have been one damn good hunter, I mean not even our hunters cant shoot that straight." Dominic says wrapping his arms around my middle.

"Get off." I breath out.

With my adrenaline pumping like this I don't want to take the chance of hurting anyone. I mean I may not love Dominic at the moment but he is my mate and I can't live without him in my life.

"So what's next?" I bounce as he lets go of me.

"I say combat." Owen says and before I even knew it I was shifting into  my wolf.

"Holy..." Owen says as I start to growl at him.

"I have a better idea." I say through the pack link. "Gather some of your best hunters and all show you I'm better than them by far."

"Please, our hunters may not have good aim but they do have better skills at tracking than you." Owen say causing half the crowd plus Dominic and myself to growl.

"I will beat them and you can't stop me." I growl.

"Sure you will and just to prove you wrong, we'll do it." Owen said.

Owen called up multiple people and they all shifted into their wolf.

"Three. Two. One. Go!" Owen shouted and the three hunters and myself took off running through the forest.


ou! What do you think? Is hunter going to win the bet?  Will she be he best hunter?

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment!


(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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