Chapter 16| Down And Dirty

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I lay breathless beside Dominic and all I can think about is what just happened. I can't believe I let that happen! What the fuck am I suppose to do now?

"I told you so." My wolf laughs.

"What did you tell me?" I question.

"I told you, you would get down and dirty with him sooner rather than later."

"Ugh! You're impossible." I scream at her.

"Thank you." She replies before retreating back into the back of my head.

"Wait, I have a question for you?" I say.

"What would that question be?" She asks sheepishly.

"Why did you take over every time my parents came onto this land? I mean I really missed them at first but after seeing the lengths they would go to to get me away from here...I don't know what I feel towards them anymore."

"Because I could smell their intent. Hunter they want to force you to mate with someone else." She sighs.

"How can you be so sure? I mean I didn't hear any of their thoughts."

"Your mothers wolf talked with me. She knows its wrong and she didn't want you to get hurt. She told me somehow so that you, yourself couldn't hear so that I could tell you when you needed to know. Your mother and father didn't care that you had found your mate. It only made it easier for them to try and convince you to leave him Because he was a ruthless stone cold killer." She explains.

"Do you know the person that they were going to force me to be with?"

"Trent." Her last words before she goes and hides back in my mind.

Fuck! My parents were going to make me be with that scum? I hated Trent when was little and I hate him now! That explains why my parents had him over every chance they could. They wanted me to like him and him to like me so that they could force us together and we wouldn't object.

Trent is the Alpha of the Light Moon pack; The pack just outside our territory. How could they expect me to go with someone who isn't my mate while mine was still out there somewhere looking for me. They had to of known that I would have abandoned Trent if I had found my mate after.

"Baby, whats wrong?" I hear Dominic's voice and it shakes me rom my day nightmare.

"Nothin, just talking to my wolf and figuring some things out." I reply sitting up in the bed and setting my head against the wall.

"Somethings bothering you, I can tell. Please Baby, tell me." He bags.

"My wolf told me a few things about my parents and why she takes over control when they come onto our territory." I tell him.

"Well? Why?"

"Because they want me mated with Alpha Trent off the Light Moon pack. I don't know how but somehow my mothers wolf and my communicated without me or her knowing and when they come close my wolf can feel their intention and she just takes over but its not noticeable." I explain.

His eyes go black and I can tell his wolf wants to come out. I place my hand on his cheek and smile at him. "I'm not going anywhere." I state.

"They'd have to go through me first if they want to get to you." He growls.

"I know and I wont ever let them take me." I say before removing my hand.

"Luna, Alpha." I hear a voice ring through my head and I know its one of the hunters.

"Yes?" Dominic questions.

"We over heard the Alpha and Beta discussing what they were going to do next." He says.

"And?" I question with a growl.

"They're planning on attacking and taking Luna Hunter by surprise. They plan to kidnap you and bring you back and have her mate with Alpha Trent." Dominic growls and snarls at the hunters answer and my mind goes blank.

"Get all the men back here right away. We are going to attack before they have the chance." I growl.

My mother and father have gone too far. I don't care if they are my parents, they wont take what's mine and I will never go back with them if this is the kind of parents they want to be. I'm sick and fucking tired of having to deal with them.

"Did they sent Ian here?" I question.

"No, they're looking for him and have no idea where he is but they have their suspicions." He answers.

"Thank you. Get everyone back here at once."

I don't care if I instigate war with my old pack, if this is how they want to play than I'll play the same and I'm not afraid to get down and dirty. No one messes with me and my pack.

They are going to pay.


(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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