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It's been three months since I told Dominic and the doctors say I should deliver any time now thanks to the speed of werewolf pregnancies. I have played jokes on Dominic with the whole 'holy shit I'm going into labor right this second' gag so many times in the past week its hilarious.

We decided to call the baby Axel Spencer Harper.

I feel something move in my stomach and I grunt in pain. Dominic looks to me with sympathetic eyes. He hasn't left my side the whole time other than to do paper work or o the bathroom.

Dominic was also occupied with planning a funeral two weeks ago. That was the only sad thing about the past months. There was an attack and Dominic's parents went to go fight. They never came back and were later found dead by the boarder but something seemed off to me so I asked Dominic. He said not to worry about it and we left it at that.

I look around to see everyone that I love sitting around me. Jess and Coop are expecting their first child, a little girl, in about three weeks. Ian found his mate about three weeks ago. He was on boarder patrol and she was a rouge. Her name is Faith and she is an amazing person. Brook also found her mate almost around the same time as Ian. I was surprised that Brook and him didn't feel the pull before and I don't know why. Her mate is none other than Owen, the pack Beta!

"How you feeling?" Jess asks.

"Like a balloon." I say making everyone in the room laugh.

I grunt in pain as something shifts. I feel something wet underneath me and I start to panic. My fucking water just broke! Shit!

"Babe, whats wrong?" Dominic asks oblivious to whats going on.

Brook and Faith both stand up and smack him upside the head making him growl. "Your an idiot." Brook growls back.

"Fuck!" I shout grabbing my stomach. "Enough with the god damn arguing! I need the hospital, Now!" I scream in pain and Dominic moves quick and picks me up while Brook, Jess, and Fait load my things in the car.

Another contraction hits and I scream in agony. I don't know how I'm gunna get though all this.

"Just breathe baby." Dominic says jumping in the drives seat and speeding off down the road.

Thats exactly what I do, breathe and try my best to stay calm.


"Breathe baby. Breathe." Dominic says as I squeeze his hand in pain.

"Okay, on 3 you need to push again." The doctor says and I slightly nod. This is push number four.




I push as hard as I possibly can and I suddenly feel release. The pain stops and I can finally breath.

"Mr. and Mrs. Harper, here is you healthy baby boy." The smiles to us and hands me Axel.

"Look at him baby, he's perfect." Dominic whispers.

Axel has jet black hair, and green eyes just like his father and his little nose and lips look just like mine do, or did when I was born.

I miss Dominic's parents so much and I'm sad that Axel will never get to meet any of his grandparents but I guess this is what was meant to be. I'm just worried something's gunna come along and mess with us all again. I hope the hell not.

This is my family, we are far from perfect and I love the way we are, hopefully we can expand our family a little bit more in the future.


Okay, I'm sad to say that this book is done. I want to thank all of you for sticking with me through thick and thing. You all mean so much to me ask you all inspire me. Thanks a bunch to everyone reading this.

The sequel is up and running and is called "I'm The Alpha's" it is in Dominic's and Hunter's daughter's point of view as well as her mate at some points. I hope you go and check that out too!

Thanks a bunch


(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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