Chapter Twenty Two| It's a boy!

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"I don't know if I can do this guys?" I say passing the room.

"Hun, calm down, we just gotta figure out how to tell my brother." Jess laughs.

"Like I said before, your the toughest person I know. You can get through this." Brook says.

I'm super glad that I have these two awesome people by my side and that I know they will keep me safe.

'We're gunna be a mom.' My wolf says in joy.

"We need to go see how far along you are? I mean you started the whole vomiting thing a while ago and the mood shifts as well." Jess points out.

"Right, lets get going." I say grabbing my jacket.


"Looks like you are about two weeks along Luna." The doctor says to me. My eyes go wide at her response.

Two weeks! Oh my god, with how fast a werewolf pregnancy is I only have three months until my baby comes!

"Is it a boy or a girl?" I asks slipping out of my shock.

"It's a little boy." She smiles.

"Oh my god! Baby Alpha! Oh my god! The heir to this pack is living inside your stomach!" Brook squeals in joy.

"Will you be quiet?" I ask jokingly.

"Oh, sorry." She chuckles.

"We need to tell Dominic tonight because he might notice my smell is different and think he'll know what that means." I say to the girls.

We walk back to the pack house as fast as we can and I feel something move in my stomach. Oh my god! The baby just kicked!

"Whats wrong?" Jess asks looking me in the eyes.

"The baby kicked." I smile and she starts with the whole "Awe!" thing.

"Have you thought of any names for your little heir?" Brook asks.

"Well considering I just found out today, I've come up with three that I like." I tell them.

"Okay, tell us." Jess says.

"Okay, So I was thinking Axle, Xavier or maybe D.J." I reply and their faces stretch out in smiles.

"I love them! I can't wait until Dominic finds out!" Jess screams.

"Shhh! Inside voice please." I chuckle.

"Why? We're outside." She says looking very confused. I shake my head and laugh so more and Brook soon joins in.

We get to the pack house and it's almost dinner time. I need to figure out how I'm gunna tell Dominic tonight.

An hour passes as I pace back and forth in my room with Brook and Jess throwing idea's at me. I like some of them but most take a lot of time and effort that I just don't want to put into anything right now... Damn pregnacy.

"Lets go, dinner time!" Jess says as she pulls me out of my room.

"Wait!" I say making them stop. I walk back into my room and examine myself in the mirror. I have the perfect Idea!

I whisper my idea to Brook and Jess and the squeal in excitement. I love them both but the squealing is getting out of hand and hurting my ears.

They grab a blue marker and start writing the words 'Congratulations! You're gunna have a baby boy!' On my stomach and I smile at them as we finish.

Half way through dinner Jess and Brook like they're gunna burst so I decide its now or they are gunna end up yelling it to the whole world.

"Okay, so I have an announcement to make." I smile and Dominic gives me a worried look.

"Are you hurt?" He asks frantically.

"No, this is good." I smile and life up my shirt so he can read what's on my stomach.

It takes him a minute but he starts smiling like crazy and I can see everyone else smiling too. I'm so happy! I get to have a pup!

Holy shit, if these mood swings don't stop than someone's gunna have to tape my mouth shut...

"I'm gunna be a father!" He beams.

"And a great one at that." I smile back.


So this book is wrapping up pretty fast and I hope you guys don't hate be for it but there is a sequel  that will be about Dominic's and Hunters youngest. (A daughter)

Anyways I hope you like!

The epilogue is next.


(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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