Chapter Thirteen| Started With A Kiss

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I pace the room as I wait for the man I call my mate to get up out of bed. It's 9am and I swear to god if he doesn't get up than I am going to hit him over the head with a rock! I get an idea and I lean down right close to his ear and smile to myself.

"Dominic!" I scream.

"Whats wrong baby?" He says jumping from the bed.

"Nothing. I just wanted you to get up out of bed." I say moving back in front of the bed.

"You naughty girl." He scowls throwing a pillow at me.

"I've been up for an hour and I tried waking you up by shaking you but you didn't budge. I screamed to get your attention so that you would get the fuck out of bed."

"Did you have to scream? I mean you know how sensitive our ears are." He protests putting his feet to the ground.

"No, screaming just seemed like a fun thing at the time." I laugh.

"Ugh. You are so lucky that I love you." He teases.

"I know and your so lucky I love you." I joke.

Dominic gets up of the bed revealing his perfect body. Luckily for me he's wearing shorts so nothing is showing.

"Why don't we finish the mating process?" He asks seductivly.

I let out a nervous laugh and run into the bathroom. I lock the door as fast as I can and I can hear Dominic walking up to the door.

"Stay the fuck away!" I teasingly scream.

"Never." He growls.

"Awe wolf man is getting possessive." I joke.

"I've always been possessive princess especially with whats purely mine."  He growls.

I feel the door handle move and the door opens. I lock eyes with Dominic and smile.

"You are making this way too hard for me." He says as he picks me up and places me on the sink counter.

"Am I now?" I tease.

"Extremely." He whispers.

His lips touch mine softly, with adoration and love placed throughout. I smile at the contact and start to kiss back. He swipes his tongue across m bottom lip asking for entry. Unsure of what to do I deny but Dominic grabs my ass and I gasp.

He takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth and I don't object. This feels so natural and with every touch it feels as if my skin is on fire.   I can feel my breathing become irregular but not in a bad way.

Dominic slowly increases the intensity of the kiss. Its....rough. I run my fingers through his hair and with the skin to skin contact it feels amazing but I don't know if we should take it further. I don't know if I'm ready.

"Dominic." I pant through his lip.

"Yes baby." He says placing his forehead on mine and looking me in the eyes.

"We need to stop."

"Okay baby, if thats what you want than we'll stop." He replies.

"Im sorry Im just not ready."

"Its perfectly fine baby, you don't have anything to be sorry for. In fact I should be the sorry one, I need to have more control around you." He admits.

"Can you please get out so I an shower?" I ask quietly.

"Of course."

He pushes away and walks out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I sight with relief and turn the taps on.

"You know you're gunna have to do it with him sometime." I hear the voice of my wolf in my head.

"Im just not ready." I respond.

"I know, but you will be soon." She says.

"How can you be so sure?" I question.

"Either that or both you and him will go crazy. He respects you Hunter, he wont go there until he know you truly want to." She says.

"I know and I'm grateful for that." I sigh.

With that I could feel her retreat into the back of my mind once again as I step into the steaming hot shower.

All I feel right now is peace and tranquility and this is how I would like to keep it.


What do you think? I hope you all like it and I'd love to say thank you for the 99k reads on my book. It means so much!



(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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