Chapter Eighteen| Alpha Trent

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"Refuge? From what?" Jess asks with a pained look on her face.

"My pack was overtaken by rogues and not very many people got away. The rogues came out of no where and honestly we never even saw them coming. I came here to ask if I could join the pack once again." She says with sad eyes.

"Cooper, Dominic, we know you're standing there listening so why don't you just come out and say 'hi'?" Jess yells.

I watch with a grin on my face as my mate and friend come around the corner. I just snicker at them and move forwards into my mates arms.

"Hello Brook. Nice to see you again." Dominic says with a smile.

"Nice to see you too Alpha." She smiles and submits to us.

"Alpha! Luna!" Owen shouts.

"They're coming fast!" Ian shout through mind link. He must have stayed outside with Owen to keep guard.

"You three say in here." Dominic growls.

"Ha! No way, I put the pack in this position and I'm going to put up a fight." I snarl at him.

"Hunter! Dominic!" Ian shouts again gaining our attention. "Get your arguing asses out here and help prevent war."

"The only way to prevent war is to give them what they want and we are not going to give up our Luna!" Jess growls through mind link at Ian.

"She's right." I sigh.

"What are we going to do?" Brook asks.

"We are going to fight." I say.

I march out off the house with an attitude that not even my mate could make stop. I'm full of anger, hurt and disbelief. How the hell could my own parents do this to me? I thought they loved me and now they're doing this?! I just can't believe it.

"You know I never asked your name." I say to my wolf.

"Its Melody." She replies.

"Well, Melody what are you planning on doing?" I question as I can feel her taking over.

"Im planning on killing them." She growls.

"Melody, they're still my parents and I still kinda love them." I argue.

"They deserve to die." She snarls.

"Wait, Mel, do you smell that?" I ask smelling the air.

"Alpha Trent!" We growl.

"What the fuck is he doing here!" I growl.

I run outside trying my best to keep Melody at bay. I need to get to the bottom of all this  shit and I need to do it fast.

"Mother, Father." I growl as I leave the safety of the house.

"Awe honey did you finally come to your senses?" Dad says.

"Never." Mel growls at them.

"I know what you're here to do and I also know that I have the reinforcements that I need to kick your ass and hand it to you on a silver plater." I snarl.

I turn to see all the worriers and hunters lined up behind as well as Brook, Ian, Cooper, Jessie and Dominic moving their way up to the front.

"You will never take my mate from me." Dominic growls.

"Oh but I'm afraid that she doesn't have a choice." Mom says and we all just growl.

"Alpha, could you please come out here?" Dad practically sings.

We all watch as Alpha Trent comes out from behind everyone and flashes me a smile. I just scowl and growl at him and Dominic looks as if he's ready to attack. I don't know what they have planned but I'm sure that my worriers do and they will protect their Luna; they will protect me.

"Trent." I growl towards him.

"My love." He says sweetly earning a growl from Mel and Dominic.

Trent has something up his sleeve, I can just tell by the look on his face. Something big is  about to go down and I'm what they are trying to win.

"Fuck you Alpha Trent, Fuck you." I growl.


(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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