Chapter Two| Time To Go

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How could this be happening? I mean the moon goddess must have made a mistake! Dominic is one of the most soulless wolves out there and he doesn't care who he hurts. If I'm his mate there's no telling what Dominic could do to me.

"W-why are y-you here?" I stutter in fear.

"To retrieve my mate and bring her back to my pack." His low husky voice is like heaven to my wolf's ears.

"You need to go." I say as I start to walk away.

I'm stopped mid-step when someone grabs my ams. I can only guess that the wolf behind the grab is Dominic; he's the only one with enough guts to touch the Alpha's daughter.

"You are leaving with me." he says calmly.

"Over my dead body." I growl ripping my arm from his grasp.

I hear a growls arise in Dominic as he hears what probably is Ian and Cooper coming back from their hunt. I shoot Dominic a look but he just stands in the same place he did before.

"Hey, Coop, Ian, Alpha wants to see us all back at the house okay?" I shout though the trees.

"Okay Hunter, see you back at the house." Ian yells in response.

I take off running and I can tell Dominic is thrown off by my running away. I shift to my wolf so I can run faster. But it's no use, Dominic is much taller and stronger than both my wolf and I combined.

I slow to a walk and try to mind-talk with Ian or Cooper but something's stopping me...

He's stopping me!

Damn it!

He's already in my mind.

"Get the hell away from me Dominic..." I threaten through my mind.

"No, why dear mate would I ever want to do that?" He says sweetly.

"Get the fuck out of my head!" I yell.

"Oh come on Hunter, you know that we're destined to be together. You know that we were made for one another." Dominic says getting closer.

"Dominic, stay away, I'm waring you. You take one more step and I'll rip you damn throat out!" I growl.

"You know as well as I do that we can't be apart for long or something bad could happen." He raises his eyebrow knowing I know exactly what will happen if two mates stay apart.

When wolves find their mates, they have to spend an unhealthy amount of time together or around the same area/place or the female wolf could get really sick and even slip into a coma. The pain is known to be excruciating and I'm not too sure that I want to go through that kind of pain.

"Wha are you going to do if I don't want to come with you?" I ask.

"You are coming with me wether you like it or not dear mate." Dominic says taking another step towards me.

"Wait, Dominic, don't I need to get my things?" I ask trying to stall for time.

"Stalling wont work, I will get everything you will need." Dominic smirks.


Okay, this isn't working! I know eventually I will have to go with Dominic it just depends on wether or not I want to go before or after the searing pain enters my body or after. I sigh as I realize that no matter what choice I make, Dominic Harper wont just let me go. To rule a pack properly the Alpha needs a mate to be the Luna of the pack.

"Okay Dominic, I'll come with you, just not right now. My father needs to talk to the hunters in out pack and I happen to be one of them."

"I thought you said your Alpha needed to speak with them..." Shit, I let that cat out of the bag too early.

"Ha, yeah my father's Alpha James." I laugh nervously.

"So, your the future Luna of this pack and your father makes you hunt?" He asks in disbelief.

"Actually, I'm the one who offered to hunt. I'm the one who likes it and I am best at it." I snap in defence.

"Still, the forest is not place for a Luna." Dominic argues.

I can see now that if I am going to go with him I am going to need a lot more will power than I currently have.

"If you want me to come than you will let me go back to my father and meet me here later." I growl.

"Fine. Be here right after your finished with your father." He growls.

"Fine! Just don't kill anyone while I'm gone." A look of hurt crossed his face and I immediately wish I could take it back.

Damn hormones.

"You know I would never hurt you right?" Dominic asks sincerely.

"Honestly Dominic, I have no idea. I've heard the stories about you and I've always feared you for so long and I still do but I honestly don't trust you enough not to kill my family or friends so thats why I'm agreeing to go with you. That and I know the consequences of not being with or around your mate."

"Hunter, I'm your mate, not the enemy. With you I'll be different." I almost sound like a promise....


I start to walk away back towards the house. The whole walk debating with myself if I should tell my father....But do I trust Dominic enough not to kill them if they keep me from him? As I finish pulling my shirt over my head my dad knocks on the bed room door.

"Good, you're here!" My dad says.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" Ian asks.

"I know you guys normally go out for a second hunt but we've had a perimeter breach and all we know it that it's more than likely someone from Dominic Harper's pack." He explains. "We will do whatever it takes to kill the intruder so you can back out for another hunt."

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." I run out of the room and try my hardest not to phase while I run down the path to the forest enternce.

I see Dominic and I know right away that he can tell something's wrong.

"What is it?" He asks with worry laced in his voice.

"The pack's out to kill you. You shouldn't have come." I say.

"We need to get moving. Lets go Hunter."

I nod my head and follow Dominic through the forest to a jeep just on the outside.

"Get in."

And with those words we were speeding down a trail and making our way back to Dominic's pack land.


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(Updated and edited on July 30, 2016)

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