Chapter Three| New Pack

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As we arrive to Dominic's pack boarder I feel a strange feeling serge through my veins. I don't understand what's happening and I'm not sure I want to...

"Your wolf knows this is where you are suppose to be, your wolf knows that she will be Luna of this pack and that you were meant to rule this pack at the side of me and not the pack you originated from." Dominic explains.

I was right, I didn't want to know. The only god damn reason I came with Dominic was because I'm afraid of what he might do to my family; he's not exactly known for being merciful.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I whisper and as it comes out I hear Dominic growl at me. It wasn't a threatening growl more like a 'don't-say-that-again' growl.

We drive further into Dominic's pack territory and as we drive I realize that I will never get to see my parents again. Or anyone I care about for that matter.

"You know I don't want to be here!" I shout. "So why the hell are you making me stay here? Why are you making me come?" I can feel the tear swelling up in my eyes and I don't know how much longer I can keep them held in.

"Aw, come on baby." Dominic whines.

"What are you? Fucking bipolar?" I scream with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I can't bare to see you cry." He whines again. I know he feels the emotional pain that I feel, I can hear it in his voice.

I lean back in the seat and just think while the tears run down my eyes once again. If Dominic can't bare to see me cry than I will use that to my advantage. I mean, I don't know how far it will get me but I will try.

"If you hate to see me cry than you shouldn't have taken me away from my family." I argue.

"You came willingly." He counters.

"I don't trust you! For all I know you would have slaughtered my whole pack if I wouldn't have come! There's also the small fact that if I'm not with you than I could die! Although I would chose that over this." I shout.

Maybe I'm bipolar...

I tune out the rest of what Dominic has to say but I know that I can't tune him out forever, I will have to acknowledge him sometime...

We pull into a house that is quite large even for an Alpha. What is this place?

"Where are we?" I ask nervously.

"At our house."

"Our?" I question.

"Hunter, you are my mate and you will be living with me. You will become Luna of my pack and at this moment I don't care if you like it or not."

"Well what the hell am I suppose to do? I mean you must have Alpha buisness to take care of."

"You can accompany me to my 'Alpha buisness' so that the pack can meet their Luna." He says making quote at the phrase 'Alpha buisness'.

"Do you not care about my feelings?" I ask and I here him growl again but this time not at me...

He's growling at the people standing in front of the jeep.

Oh fuck me...


Thanks for reading!

(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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