Chapter Twenty| Note

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It's been two days since my parents and Trent stopped by our pack and each and every day I can't help but think that they are going to come back. We have our protection around the pack house and Dominic has made it very clear that I am not to leave the house without him, Cooper, or Owen by my side.

Although staying in the pack house does have so perks, I mean I get to hang out with Jess and Brooke. Me and Brooke have become really great friends. She told us about what happened with her other pack and why she wanted to stay here.

"Okay, so what are we gunna do today?" Brook questions sitting up on the edge of my bed.

"Well, I was thinking move marathon of Harry Potter!" Jess squeals

"Oh my god yeah! I love Harry Potter!" Brook and I say in unison.

"You know it's creepy how you two do that all the time." Jess chuckles and runs to grab the movies.

Jess is right though, Brook and I have been doing that a lot and to be honest we kinda look like each other too. I don't even know how it's possible but I feel like I've known her before.

"This should keep us busy for at least the day." Jess says dropping the set of movies on the floor in front of the T.V.

"What about snacks?" Brook and I ask, once again in unison.

"Seriously, cut it the fuck out." Jess tells us.

Brook and I run to get food and we bump into someone in the hall way. Ian and Cooper

"Sup boys." Brook asks.

"Just walking around." They say in unison.

Brook and I look at each other and laugh. The boys shoot us a confused look and we just start laughing harder.

"You guys want to come watch the Harry Potter movies with us?" I ask once I stop laughing.

"Yeah sure I love Harry Potter." Cooper says and Ian just nods his head.

"Great, come get food with is." I say as Brook and I each grab a hand and drag them to the kitchen.

We return back to the room with candy, chocolate and chips, along with water and pop. Jess squeals when she sees Cooper and jumps to hug him.

"Hey baby, are you staying with us?" Jess asks as she pecks Coopers lips.

He nods his head and we sit down to start watching the movies.

About half way through the third movie, we run out of water so I excuse myself and make my way to the kitchen to get more.

I open the refrigerator and grab a couple battles of water. I turn around to see a note on the counter the has my name written on it. I assume it's from Dominic and open it.

Dear Hunter,

We see that you have found your mate and someone from your past who you probably will not remember. We don't want to hurt you but if we have to we will. We also know that your parents want you to mate with Alpha Trent. To be honest, that's a low, even for parents. Now, here's what we propose, you and your new found "friend" come and join us and we can get back your parents and that despicable Alpha. We will be back before night falls tomorrow night to collect you and her. Please stay safe.

King of rouges

"Hey guys do you want to come down here for a minute?" I ask through mind link.

"No! It's just getting to the good parts!" Ian says back.

I feel my temper rise and I don't even know why. "Get your asses down here! Now!" I growl at them.

"Yes Luna." They all say in unison.

They are all in front of me I hand Jess the note and they all crowd around her. As they finish reading this the gasp and hand the note back to me.

"What are we going to do?!" Jess asks.

"Wait, who do you think the other girl is? Is it Jess or Brook?" Ian asks.

"I mean it has to be me. This started when I came back but why would the rouge king want us when he tried to kill me along with my pack?" Brook asks.

We all stand in silence for a while until something comes into my head. "Except they weren't trying to kill you, they were trying to flush you out. That's why they let you live and escape. They wanted us together for some reason and from the looks of the note they know more about us than we do ourselves."

Just as Brook is about to speak my mate walks into the room and I can tell he's going to be pissed when he hears about this.

"Babe." I drag out as I walk over to him.

"What's wrong?" He asks as his eyes dance back in forth form his normal green to black.

"Nothing's wrong why would you think that?" I say really high pitched. Wow, I'm horrid at lying.

"Because you only stretch out things when something's wrong." Fuck, he right.

"Okay, so something is wrong. When I cam down to the kitchen to get more water there was a note on the counter that I thought was from you so I opened it. It was...well, read it for yourself." I say as I hand him the note.

I watch his eyes as he reads the note, his eyes doing that little dance like before, his wolf is trying to take over.

"Pack meeting! Now!" Dominic growls through mind link.

We all make our way to the meeting room and I stand next to Dominic. Now, it's not just my parents I have to worry about, its the god damn rouge king to for fuck sake.

Why can't my life be simple? I mean really!


What do you think is going to happen? Read on to find out!

Hope you liked it



(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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