Chapter Nine| They're Back

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It's been three days since my parents tried to take me away from Dominic. They know now that if they come back they will be killed on sight. My parents seem to think that I'm some weak little girl who need's their protection but they are so wrong it isn't funny.

These past few days I've been training with the pack and Dominic says I'm doing amazing compared too everyone else. To be fair though, everyone else doesn't have Alpha blood coursing though them.

"Let's go. Get up." I hear Dominic say.

"You pour that god damn bucket of water on me again and I will kick your ass." I say burying my head in a pillow.

"Fine, I was planing on trying something new." And with those words he jumped on the bed and pinned me down.

"So, are you going to get up now?" He asks as we look eye to eye.

"I'll think about it." I give him a smirk and with all my power I push him over so he's under me.

"You are one strong she wolf." He laughs.

I bend my head down an kiss him on the lips.

The sparks tingle though my body and I love the way he makes me feel. Dominic slides his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I quickly grant him entrance and our tongues fight for dominance. Dominic obviously wins.

I pull away with heavy breathing and a full on smile.

"You keep that up and we wont make it out of the house." He say as I get off his torso.

"Well than I better get off you before something happens that I might regret later." I say jumping off the bed and heading towards the closet to get dressed.

Dominic still hasn't gotten me clothes that I like so I only have the stupid tight leather shit. Ugh.

"We need to get me some new clothes." I say.

"Why?" He asks innocently.

"I will not wear the same shit everyday for the rest of my life!" I growl at him.

"Fine, I'll have Owen get you some things for you." He sighs.

"Um, no, I will get my own clothes thank you."

"Go with my sister, you said you wanted to do that when we first got here." He suggests.

"Okay, I will."

I met his sister Jessie a couple days ago and we talked. She's 17 and still hasn't found her mate which is kinda sad because without him she will never be complete.

"Hey Jess!" I shout out the door knowing she will probably be in her room which is just down the hall.

"Whats the haps Hun?" She says as she exits her room.

"Want to go shopping today? Your fucked up brother doesn't have anything for me besides tight leather shit."

"Sure, we can go out to the human mall and shop."

"Okay, want to head out now?" I ask as I finish combing though my unruly hair.

"Yeah lets head."

~ * ~

As we arrive at the mall I can see the excitement in Jessie's eyes.

"Whats up with you?" I ask.

"I have no clue my wolf is just bouncing up and down for some reason." She replies.

"Well lets get this shopping done before you start bouncing off the walls of the mall." I chuckle.

"Hunter?" I hear someone call from behind us as we reach the door to the mall.

Who the hell would know me out here? Unless... Shit, Dominic is going to be so pissed.

Jessie and I turn around to see Cooper standing just behind us. Everything goes silent and Jessie's and Cooper's eyes widen.

"Mate." I hear Cooper growl.

My mouth falls open in awe. I can't believe that Jessie is Coop's mate! Dominic is going to be royalty pissed but so what.

Jessie and Coop are now face to face with each other and I'm just standing behind them.

I decide to walk in the mall and as I do, I feel Dominic enter my mind.

"What's wrong with Jessie? I can feel something through the pack but she's blocking most of it." He asks.

"Nothing's wrong. She found her mate." I reply.

"Really? Who?"

"Eh, this part you aren't going to like." I can feel his discomfort rise.

"Why won't I like it?" He growls

"Because it's Cooper, he's from my old pack and he was a hunter."

"What?!" He snarls. "Get home now!"

"What why? I mean he's probably going to come and live in our pack to make Jess happy."

"It's not that Hunter, my father just told me that your parents are back."

"What!?" I shout out loud causing everyone around to look at me with odd expressions.

I rush out the mall doors to see Coop and Jess still standing together looking at each other.

"We need to go, now." I say pushing the two newly mates to the car.

"Whats going on?" Jessie asks.

"My parents are back on pack territory." I reply starting the car.

"You parents?" Coop asks. "They were at the pack house when I left."

"Well, they're trying to convince me that Dominic isn't my mate and they're trying to take me back to their pack." I reply.

"We need to get back, ASAP." Jess says as I step on the gas.


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(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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