Chapter Eight| People Like Him Don't Have Mates

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As the scent gets closer and closer my heart rate picks up drastically. We are both now back on our human forms and slowly getting dressed.

"I'm not going to let them take you from me." Dominic growls.

"If they try I'll go kicking and screaming." I say.

Even though I haven't spent much time with Dominic, I feel myself falling for him, hopelessly.

"I love you Hunter." Dominic says turning around and putting his lips on mine.

I can feel the sparks start up and all of this just feels natural. I mean, yes, Dominic can be a huge pain but he's my mate and I wouldn't have it any other way.

He takes his lips off mine and growls when we feel my parents enter the house.

"Dominic! I want my daughter back." I hear my father growl.

"We know you took her." My mother yells.

Dominic pushes me behind him; his large frame hiding my small one.

"I have no idea what your talking about." Dominic says. I roll my eyes knowing that my parents will pick out my scent.

"We know she's here. I can smell her scent and I know she's scared. What have you done with my baby girl?" Mom growls and I can tell both her and dad entered the room.

"She is scared, but not of me." Dominic growls.

With my heart still racing, I know I'm going to have to do something soon or dad may try and kill Dominic.

"Give her to us, now!" Dad growls stepping closer to us.

"Stop!" I shout. "Just stop!"

I step out from behind Dominic and he growls at my parents.

"I came with him willingly." I snap.

"Why would you do such things?" My father snarls.

"Because she is my mate." Dominic booms.

"People like you don't have mates. We are going home right now." My mother walks over and grabs my hand trying to drag me way. I flip her over onto her back and she looks shocked.

"How dare you do that to your Luna and your mother!" My father growls.

"She isn't my Luna any more and if she tries that again I wont consider her my mother either." I growl moving my way back to Dominic.

He grabs me by my waist and kisses me on the forehead. Sparks fly and almost all my worries melt away.

Almost, then I remember what I'm in the middle of.

"If people like him don't have mate's than what am I?"  I snap.

"You aren't his mate." Dad snarls.

"I am and you wont try and take me away from him because I know he will rip your throat out." I growl at my father.

Dad looks shocked. I know that I shouldn't be saying these things to my father but he is trying to keep me away from my mate and I wont let him do that.

"You will come home with us right now." My mom growls getting up off the ground and looking me right in the eyes.

"No." I say sternly. "You will get out of our home and you will leave us be!"

"How dare you talk to me like that." My mother looks appalled.

I can hear Dominic mind linking with the rest of the pack and telling them whats going on.

"You are on our land without my permission! I can kill you if I wish." Dominic snarls at them.

"You wouldn't dare, Hunter wont  let you kill us we're her parents." Dad growl.

I huff and my parents look shocked. "My parents? Please, if you were my parents than you wouldn't try and make me come back with you when I'm clearly with my mate!"

"He isn't your mate!" Mom and dad say in unison.

"Like shit I'm not!" Dominic growls. "You have ten minutes to get off our pack land or you will die." Dominic threatens.

"Hunter, will you really let him do that to us?" Mom almost whispers.

"If you keep trying to take me away from my mate, than yes." I say.

"When you find out that he isn't your mate and that you can never be fully happy with him we will be at home and waiting for you to arrive." My father says as he turns to walk out.

"That will never happen!" Dominic and I growl in unison.

"We'll see about that." He says as he leaves the house.

I pace the room back and forth. Why do they think that Dominic isn't my mate and why did they say people like him don't have mates? I mean, the moon goddess creates a mate for everyone but some just pass before they find their mate.

"What are we going to do?" I ask Dominic in almost a whisper. "They will be back if it's the last thing they do."

"If they come back it will be the last thing they do." He snarls and I know that he's telling the truth.

I walk over to Dominic and hug him as I burry my head in his chest. The sparks and electricity that surge through my body confirm that Dominic is in fact my mate and no matter what happens I will love him with all my heart.


(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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