Chapter Four| Rogues

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"Who are those people?" I whisper to Dominic.

"Rogues." He growls.

"What do you mean rogues?" I panic.

"I mean rogues." He says bluntly.

"What are you doing here?" Dominic say getting out of the car.

"We heard you found your mate Dominic." The rogues know Dominic?

My thoughts scatter as I'm yanked from the jeep and onto the ground. I feel a punch to the face and a kick to the side. I hear a crack and know that it can't be good. I feel another jolt of pain in my wrist as someone step on it.

"Hello sexy lady." The man holding my wrist down says.

I scream and out of no where this black shadow swoops over me and takes the attackers down killing them on the spot.

It's a wolf.

I instantly know who the wolf is when I pick up the scent.


"Are you okay?" He asks shifting back into his human form. He's stark naked and I turn my head away.

"I'm fine. Will you put some cloths on?" I insist.

"Oh, sorry." I hear the jeep door open and shut. I look over to see a full dressed Dominic and my spirits instantly brighten. I have no idea why because he took me away from everything I know and love.

I hear Dominic growl at the thought of me loving someone other than him. I just roll my eyes and jump into the jeep.

"Relax there wolf man. I was talking about places not people." I say as he jumps into the drivers seat.

As we drive further into the compound I realize that I didn't ask Dominic the one questions thats been buzzing though my mind since the rogues appeared.

"How do you know them?" I ask.

"Who babe?" He asks putting one hand on my thigh.

Ha! Nice try there but no. I push his hand off before answering.

"The rogues Dominic, the rogues?" I say and at the mention of them he growls.

"They were part of this pack but they went crazy and were threatening to hurt others. I had no other choice." He replies.


"Is something wrong? I can hear the disappointment in your voice." Dominic says.

"It's not disappointment Dominic, it's that fact the you ripped me away and I didn't even have time to say good bye." I half shout.

I know I shouldn't have yelled at him but god, he's just! I know it hurts me to get mad at him and I know it hurts him that I'm upset and mad with him.

"Please don't yell." He says.

"I'm sorry. I truly am." I say.

The jeep pulls to a stop and my thoughts scatter. We are sitting in front of a mansion; no, that would be putting it lightly.

I gawk at the sight and just sit in the jeep. I didn't realize that Dominic had made his way to my side of the jeep and had opened the door. The blast of cool air woke me from my trance and I look over at Dominic as the blood rushes to my cheeks.

"Sorry." I say jumping out of the jeep.

"You don't have to keep saying that." He says taking my hand and sparks instantly fly.

I can tell right here, right now that my life is going to be so different than what it was before. And I have no idea if it will be for the better or the worse.


hey readers!

Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to check out my other works!

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