Turn 2: Is It Love?

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Shion: "Looks like you have fall in love..."

Chrono: "Eh?"

Shion: "That's a sign of a guy who has fall in love, Chrono."

Chrono: (Blushed) "W-W-Wait... what?!"

Shion: "I mean it's pretty obvious you know? If new friends and me being here doesn't help, so I'm sure Tokoha is more than just a friend to you am I right?"

Chrono: "Well... I..."

Shion: "And I realized when we accompanied her to the airport several months ago, I saw that you were pretty down. I thought that it's just those friends feeling back then but it's more than just that right?"

Chrono: (Sigh) "I'll be honest, yes I do have this different feeling towards her. I think ever since the Stride Gate event no... at our graduation to be more precisely."

Shion: "Oh yeah? Is there a reason why?"

Chrono: "You know that after the graduation, she wrote a letter to us and Kimi right?"

Shion: "Yes, it's a nice letter. But what about that?"

Chrono: "There's something about that letter that just touch my heart..."

Shion: "Eh... really? That's interesting. I saw it as a nice and warm letter from her as a friend. But maybe with you it's different?"

Chrono: "I still have that letter in my school bag. Because I just can't stop reading it for some reason."

Shion: "So the letter is in that bag?" (Pointing at

Chrono: "Yeah, you want to read it?"

Shion: "Is it alright with you? I mean if it's kinda private...."

Chrono: "No, it's fine. Here..." (Gave him the letter)

Shion then read the letter...

Hi Chrono, sorry if this letter contains some bad writing from me but I hope you can deal with it since your writing is far more worse.... hehe just kidding.

Anyway it's been a great three years with both of us and Shion... and of course Kumi as well. Sad that we will all be seperated but at least Kumi will go to the same school as you. Make sure to take care of yourself, study well, don't trouble your class leader and teacher like you used to in the past. But the most important thing is make sure to keep on cardfighting and be happy...

Maybe someday we will meet up again, who knows when that time will come but I'm sure it will come. Anyway, wish you all the best for the future, curly cup. From your probably most annoying friend, Tokoha.

Shion: "It's just like her. She seems to care about you a lot."

Chrono: "Huh?"

Shion: "When you were taken by Ryuzu back then, she was probably the one who worried about you the most. I can even see it in her eyes..."

Chrono: "Really?"

Shion: "Yeah..."

Chrono: "After all this time, I only showed her the bad side of me. I always put her into trouble back in the days. Now, I miss her more than anything right now. I'm such an arrogant fool."

Shion: "So you really fall for her huh?"

Chrono: "I guess so... I guess it's love afterall."

Shion: "So, what will happen if you two really end up being together? Will that fire inside of you be released?"

Chrono: "Perhaps..."

Shion: "Why don't you try and talk to her? You have her number right?"

Chrono: "Eh?! Are you serious right now?!"

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