Turn 11: Dark Times

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Miguel had an accident on his way to Akane's workplace and tell his feelings to Tokoha. Even after meeting her, his bad luck still continues and this time is the fatal one...

He sadly died and Jaime called Tokoha straightaway, she didn't know how to react. While Shion asked the people there about the accident...

Shion: "I'm sorry but what kind of accident?"

Woman(1): "So a car has hit a young man, probably around your age. He is heavily injured and I don't know his condition right now..."

Shion: "That's bad..."

Woman(2): "I know right..."

Tokoha then returned to Shion with her mind being all over the place. She didn't even realize that she bumped into Shion..."

Shion: "Huh, Tokoha what's wrong?"

Tokoha: "Miguel..."

Shion: "Yes, what about him?"

Meanwhile Chrono is still fighting against his father. They lost count of how many times they fight...

Chrono: "Alright, that's five wins in a row!"

Rive: "Man, I guess I have to retire soon..."

Chrono: "What are you talking about? You beat me six times today. It's 12-7 now so only 5 deficit."

Rive: "Jeez... but, you really are one hell of a fighter."

Chrono: "Hehe, it's all thanks to these guys... Gear Chronicle."

Rive: "I see..." I'm glad that he and Gear Chronicle have a great connection... looks like creating them is not a bad idea afterall...

Someone knocked on the door...

Chrono: "Hm, who is that?"

He went towards the door and opened it...

Shion: "Chrono!"

Chrono: "Jeez, you scared me there."

Shion: "Sorry, but..."

Chrono: "What is it?"

Shion: "It's about Miguel..."

Chrono: "Okay, what about him?"

Shion: "He..."

Chrono: "What's wrong?"

Shion: "He died... due to an accident."

Chrono: "What?!"

Shion: "I'll tell you more in details, can I come in?"

Chrono: "Yeah, come in."

Shion told him everything about what happened, including his plan about Miguel telling his feelings to Tokoha...

Chrono: "I see, so he did have those feelings as well."

Shion: "Yeah, I was about to ask her about her feelings as well but... that happened."

Rive: "I can't believe this all happened while you're all here."

Chrono: "How's Tokoha?"

Shion: "Akane took her home, she absolutely can't believe what happened. She almost pass out as well."

Chrono: Tokoha...

Shion told the rest as well, they are as shocked as everybody else...

Kumi: "No way..."

Kazuma: "I can't believe it..."

Taiyou: "Me too."

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