Turn 13: Together

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Shion and the others visited Tokoha the next day, Tokoha herself feels that she's getting better and probably around 90% fit...

Kumi: "How are you feeling right now?"

Tokoha: "Much better!"

Kumi: "Is it because of Shindou taking care of you yesterday?" (Teasing)

Tokoha: "Eh?!" (Blushing)

Chrono: "Hey, what are you talking about?"

Kumi: "Hehe..."

Rive: (Embraced his son) "Haha, looks like my son has grown that he's able to take care of a girl who is sick."

Chrono: "Father?"

Tokoha: "Maybe because he has a great father?" (Smiling)

Rive: (Scratching his head) "Well, I didn't do anything for him, it's all thanks to Mikuru that he is like this right now."

Shion: "So, we still have two days left before we head back to Japan. Why don't we all go together tomorrow?"

Tokoha: "Yeah, that's what I and Chrono talked about yesterday."

Shion: "We have visited some famous places here, do you have some other places that you know?"

Tokoha: "Oh don't you worry about that, I have some places in mind."

Shion: "Great, I guess I'll leave it to you then."

Kamui: "Seeing this place, it's just so romantic sometimes. I wish Miss Emi came here as well..."

Chrono: "Huh, what about Nagisa?"

Kamui: (Locked him) "You... how many times I tell you to not say that name?!"

Chrono: "Ouch ouch ouch... Kamui. That hurts..."

Kamui: "Yeah that's what you get for bringing her up."

Kazuma: "Jeez, those two..."

Taiyou: "Ahehehe..."

Rive: "So, young lady... if you're okay with it, will you have a cardfight with me?"

Chrono: "Father, she's still recovering..."

Tokoha: "What was that? Did you forget that we have around ten fights yesterday?"

Chrono: "Ack!"

Rive: "So, what do you say?"

Tokoha: "Sure Mr. Shindou, I'll fight you!"

While Rive and Tokoha had a cardfight, the others watched on...

Shion: "So, did you guys enjoy your time together?"

Chrono: "Eh? What are you on about?"

Shion: "I mean, you did stay here and spend some time with her."

Chrono: "Well... we did talk about lot of things yesterday. I guess... I do enjoy it."

Shion: "Looking at her now, it seems that she has move on a bit from that incident. It's only been two days... but I'm impressed of how just strong she is..."

Chrono: "Yeah, I agree... but it's still surprised me now that all of this happened. I never expected it..."

Shion: "Me too..."

Chrono: "But now, we only have two days to make a new plan and one day to execute it."

Shion: "You sure you want to tell her this soon? I mean, she probably still need a bit more time to fully forgot about him..."

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