Turn 3: Getting There

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Chrono was about to sleep until his phone rang...

Chrono: "Jeez... who is calling me this late... eh?! Tokoha?!"

He picked up the call... he was even more surprised that she did a video call...

Tokoha: "Hi Chro-huh? It's dark..."

Chrono: "W-Wait... let me turn on the lights first."

Tokoha: "Looks like it's a bit late to call you, maybe I can call you some other ti-"

Chrono: "No no no, don't worry. It's fine."

Tokoha: "Oh okay then."

Chrono: (Turned on the lights) "So, what's up?"

Tokoha: "Nothing, just checking on you. So, how are you doing? It's been a while since we have a call."

Chrono: "I'm fine, and you?"

Tokoha: "I'm fine as well. But are you sure you are fine? Kumi said to me that you're quite down lately. Is everything alright?"

Chrono: "Okazaki tell you that?"

Tokoha: "Yes, she told me earlier."

Chrono: "So that's the reason you call me?"

Tokoha: "That's one of the reason."

Chrono: What should I do? Shall I tell her? I mean, I can't tell her now surely....

Tokoha: "Well?"

Chrono: "No, it's just weird now that we are not together like we used to back then. I also have to work pretty hard in the shop so maybe a bit tired as well."

Tokoha: "Oh I see... just make sure to not overdo it then."

Chrono: "Yeah, I'm sure I'll get used to it soon. I mean Kamui managed to do that so I'm sure I can as well."

Tokoha: "Yeah, I'm sure you can do it."

Chrono: "So, how's Paris?"

Tokoha: "It's beautiful as we all imagined. I feel like I'm at home already in my first week here. Thanks to Jaime, Akane, and my friends here."

Chrono: Beautiful like you I presume? Wait what?! "Ah I see..."

Tokoha: "Maybe someday you, Shion, and the rest of our friends can go here as well."

Chrono: "I really hope so, I guess I have to work hard so I have enough money to go there."

Tokoha: "Yep!"

Chrono: "Okay then, it's nice to talk to you even for only a couple of minutes but I have to go to bed since I have to wake up early tomorrow."

Tokoha: "Ah okay then, sorry to if I trouble you earlier. Goodnight then."

Chrono: "No, no problem. Goodnight too." (Ended the call)

Chrono went back to bed but suddenly he can't sleep. It's been an hour after his call with Tokoha and now he is struggling to sleep...

Chrono: Jeez, why I can't sleep now?

He then went to the kitchen to drink some water. Perhaps that can make him sleep...

Chrono: "When should I tell her?"

Mikuru: "Tell her what?"

Chrono: (Startled) "Ah, Mikuru?! You're home already?"

Mikuru: "Yes, I just arrived earlier and I heard that you're talking to someone earlier. I was about to sleep but then I heard your footsteps to the kitchen..."

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