Turn 4: Foreign Friends

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Chrono: "Alright, I won!"

Kazuma: "How did that happen?! Damn!"

Taiyou: "What a great fight you two!"

Chrono: "Hehe, thanks."

Kazuma: "Hey Shindou, I want a rematch!"

Chrono: "Still salty about the lost?"

Kazuma: "Shut up! One more time!"

Chrono: "Okay okay."

Shin: "He seems fired up today."

Kumi: "Yep, it's been a while since we saw that Shindou."

Kazuma: "This time I'm going to beat the hell out of you!"

Chrono: "I'd like to see you try."

Kazuma: "Grr... let's do it!"

While they were about to start another fight, Shion entered the shop...

Shion: "Hello!'

Shin: "Welcome, Shion!"

Shion: "Huh, where is Chrono?"

Kumi: "Oh he's there, current fighting against Shouji."

Shion: "Hm? Ah okay then. I guess I can watch their fight first."

Several minutes later...

Kazuma: "Damn it! Why I can't win?!"

Chrono: "Huh, Shion you're here."

Shion: "Yeah, seems like you're fired up today after seeing your fight earlier."

Chrono: "Really? Well maybe..."

Shion: "By the way, are you all free on Christmas holiday?"

Chrono: "No, I don't think so. Why?"

Kazuma: "No, I never do anything during a holiday."

Taiyou: "Me too."

Shion: "What about you Kumi?"

Kumi: "I don't think I have any plans for holiday yet, why?"

Shion: "If you all free then that's better. We'll go to Paris on Christmas."

Chrono: "Paris? That means..."

Kumi: "We will meet Tokoha right?"

Shion: "That's right, let's keep it a secret from her alright?"

Kumi: "Yes! I can't wait."

Taiyou: "Me too!"

Kazuma: "Uhm Taiyou..."

Taiyou: "What is it?"

Kazuma: "That Tokoha that they mentioned... she is Shindou's friend right?"

Taiyou: "Yes, Tokoha is also a part of team TRY3... Chrono and Shion's teammate. She's a strong fighter so you have to fight her once we're in Paris."

Kazuma: "I see..." A fight who is his teammate, I'm sure she's just as strong... hopefully this will be very interesting...

Chrono: "Are you sure with this Shion? I mean, going there alone is already expensive but you want us... five to go there?"

Shion: "I have no problem with that. Don't worry, afterall I want to go there as well since I love France."

Chrono: "Well, I guess... it's alright."

Shion: "Afterall, you really want to meet her as well right?"

Chrono: "Y-Yeah..." That's right, this might be my chance to meet her and tell her my feelings...

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