Turn 14: Time To Head Back

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Chrono: (Took a deep breath) "I have been wanting to tell you this... for almost three months now... I want to tell you via call but that's just weird and not straight forward... Now I'm here in Paris with you, I get this chance to tell you in person so..."

Tokoha: "Hm?"

Chrono: "I know you're still hurt about the accident, but I want to help you get over it completely. That's why I want to tell you now that I... have feelings... for you. I like you not as a friend, but as a woman... Tokoha."

Tokoha: "Eh?"

Chrono: "I know... about your condition. I know you aren't allowed to have a relationship by your father. But, I can't hold back my feelings anymore..."

Tokoha: "Chrono..."

Chrono: "That's why..."

Tokoha: "Can I be honest with you?"

Chrono: "Y-Yeah..."

Kazuma and Taiyou were still curious what's going on. Shion only told Kamui, Rive, and Jaime about the plan...

Kazuma: "Alright, what's going on now? Why did you leave them two alone?"

Taiyou: "I'm curious as well."

Kumi: "Me too..."

Shion: "Well, our plan is now at the final stage."

Kazuma: "Eh? That means..."

Jaime: "That's right, he is going to confess."

Kumi: "Eh?! Really?!"

Taiyou: "But, are you sure? Isn't it a bit too early now with the situation that happened?"

Shion: "That's right, but knowing them two..."

Rive: "I guess it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is now..."

Jaime: "Will she accept him or not."

Back to Chrono and Tokoha. Chrono is waiting for her honest answer...

Chrono: "Now if you want to be honest, please... be 100% honest. You can praise, mock, calling me an idiot... you can do anything you want as long as you're honest... even if you reject me..."

Tokoha: (Smiling) "Come on now, I haven't even say a word..."

Chrono: "Y-Yeah..."

Tokoha: He's so cute when he is like that..."Okay, first of all... I want to tell you my true feelings when I decided to go to Paris. You remembered the letter that I wrote for you?"

Chrono: "Of course, I still have that letter and I bring it everytime inside my bag."

Tokoha: "Eh really?"

Chrono: "Yeah, and what about it?"

Tokoha: "I wrote a letter to everyone I know, but the inside of every letter are different. I must say, your letter is probably the most special one."

Chrono: "Well, I read that letter and I guess that's the point where I have this feelings for you."

Tokoha: "I can say that I put all of my feelings writing that letter. When I left Japan, I thought to myself I really made the correct decision."

Chrono: "You too huh..."

Tokoha: "Then, as time goes on I enjoy myself here but it's... different without Shion, Kumi, and especially you. I started to miss you a bit..."

Chrono: "Me too..."

Tokoha: "That's when I realized, I guess... I have those feelings for you. That's why... the answer is..."

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