Turn 12: True Feelings

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Chrono: "You like him, don't you?"

Tokoha: "Eh?"

Chrono: "You don't need to answer if you didn't want to. I'm afraid you're not going to recover..."

Tokoha: (Giggles) "Idiot!"

Chrono: (Smiling) "At least I can make you laugh."

Tokoha: "Well, the thing is..."

Chrono: "Hm?"

Tokoha: "I only consider him as a friend only. I never really have a romantic feeling towards him. If we are thinking about liking someone, then I only like him as a friend."

Chrono: "I see..."

Tokoha: "But, why did you ask all of a sudden?"

Chrono: "Shion told me that Miguel likes you. And..."

Tokoha: "And?"

Chrono: (Sigh) "This is going to shocked you, and he is about to tell you about his feelings but... that accident happened."

Tokoha: "Eh?! Then..."

Chrono: "Yeah, the day he died is the day he wanted to tell you his feelings."

Tokoha: "No way..."

Chrono: "And after knowing you answer, you will probably reject him."

Tokoha: "Now I feel bad... I don't even know what to do now. I have no experience when it comes to these things."

Chrono: "Really?"

Tokoha: "Yeah, my dad never allowed me to date someone so of course I never have that kind of experience..."

Chrono: Now I remember... even if I told her my feelings, who knows what might happened next...

Tokoha: "What about you? Although I'm sure what your answer will be but who knows, maybe I'm wrong..."

Chrono: "Same as you, I don't have any experience about that as well."

Tokoha: "I knew it..."

Chrono: "But Tokoha, don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault that Miguel died, and it's certainly not your fault that you have to reject his feelings in the end. You must follow your true feelings."

Tokoha: "My true feelings..."

Chrono: "Don't push yourself to go against it. If you do that, you'll just hurt yourself and maybe him too..."

Tokoha: "I see... it's very unusual of you to have those thoughts."

Chrono: "Well... I guess..."

Tokoha: "You have changed quite a bit, you know..."

Chrono: "Perhaps..."

Tokoha: "I'll be honest with you, I..."

Chrono: "Hm?"

Tokoha: "I... kinda miss you, especially when I heard that you all went here, but I didn't see you at the party."

Chrono: "Eh, really?" (Blushed)

Tokoha: "Y-Yeah..."

Chrono: "I guess the same thing can be said for me. I miss our moments as Team TRY3..." Even though it's not only that...

Tokoha: "Me too, I can't believe that we are a team in the first place."

Chrono: "We can't work as a team and left Kamui very frustrated. In the end, we all reflected it and achieved a lot of great things."

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