Turn 7: To Paris

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Two months have passed and it's December. The month that Chrono has been waiting for... He, Shion, and the others will go to Paris and meet Tokoha there...

Not only that, Kamui decided to join in as well. Chrono also told Kazuma and the others about his feeling towards Tokoha and let's just say they were surprised but they saw it coming, especially Kumi...

Mamoru had asked Akane about Tokoha's plan for December and even she said that she doesn't have any plan to return to Japan yet. That's already a good news for all of them...

Meanwhile, Mikuru is in her room calling his brother and Chrono's father, Rive and they're talking about a lot of things...

Mikuru: "So, when will you come back?"

Rive: "Soon, I'll be back... although I'm still..."

Mikuru: "What, you're still worried whether he will accept you or not?"

Rive: "Yeah, although it's normal if he hates me after all I did..."

Mikuru: "I'm sure he'll understand, you just have to talk to him heart to heart then I'm sure everything will be fine then."

Rive: "Yeah, I hope so..."

Mikuru: "Although I have to say, he has matured a lot these days..."

Rive: "Hm, really?"

Mikuru: "Yeah, for example tomorrow he and his friends will go to Paris to meet one of his friend and not only that... he told me that he will confess his feelings to her..."

Rive: "Eh, what do you mean? Are you saying that he likes her?"

Mikuru: "Yep, let's see how it will end. Hopefully they'll be together since I like her as well."

Rive: "Interesting... sorry Mikuru but I have to go now."

Mikuru: "Oh okay then, see you soon big brother."

Rive: "Yeah..." (Ended the call) So Chrono is going to Paris huh... this will be interesting...

Mikuru then saw her nephew preparing his suitcase...

Mikuru: "You're still not ready yet?"

Chrono: "Just a second... I'm almost done."

Mikuru: "Well then, I'll prepare dinner first. If you're done, you can go to the dining room."

Chrono: "Okay!"

Then they had dinner together...

Mikuru: "So, are you fully ready to tell her once you're there."

Chrono: "To be honest I've been thinking about it for three months now. So I'm sure... that once I'm there, I'll tell her since it's the right time."

Mikuru: "Although you tell me that her father didn't allow her to have a relationship with someone. So what are you going to do about that once you end up with her?"

Chrono: "I don't know the answer to that just yet... I don't want to think about it for now, all that matters is that I have to tell her first. If that step is done, then we'll think about that."

Mikuru: "I understand that but Chrono, I don't want you or her to be hurt for going through all of that. So make sure you have the right plan, if you need some help then I'll help you."

Chrono: "I appreciate that Mikuru, but for now let me handle this myself since this is my responsibility. Especially since I'm not a kid anymore."

Mikuru: "Yeah, you have matured for sure. Well then, I don't think I have to be worried."

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