Turn 10: Unexpected Return

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Kazuma: "You told him what?!"

Kamui: "You told him to confess? Then what will happen to Chrono if she accept?"

Shion: "This is getting complicated, in the end one of them have to yield."

Taiyou: "Love is really complicated huh..."

Kumi: "But he likes her, but what about her? Did you ask her if she likes him as well?"

Shion: "No, I haven't ask her yet."

Kazuma: "Then, what should we do now?"

Shion: "We'll just have to wait now, Miguel will probably tell her today. If she accept, then that's our plan over."

Kumi: Shindou...

Kazuma: "So, where is Shindou now? Is he still in his room?"

Shion: "No, he is currently meeting Akane..."

Kazuma: "I see... so he still doesn't want to see her."

The someone knocked on their door...

Kazuma: "Hm, who's that?"

Shion: "I'll go open the door and see..."

He opened the door and he was surprised...

Shion: "You're..."

Meanwhile Akane took Chrono to a well known cafe since they didn't want to talk at her workplace since Tokoha might know and see them there...

Akane: "So the plan failed huh..."

Chrono: "Kind of, but I wouldn't say that it's over just yet."

Akane: "As far as I know, Miguel is only her friend. But deep down, I didn't know what are their true relationship is..."

Chrono: "I saw them both last night and I guess... they really like each other."

Akane: "Did you really think so?"

Chrono: "But, as you said we didn't know their heart. We can't look what is on the inside. Shion told me that it's not over yet, all I have to do now is wait..."

Akane: "Seems like it... say Chrono..."

Chrono: "Hm?"

Akane: "Did you... really like her that much? Until you went all the way here to Paris just to meet and tell her your feelings."

Chrono: "Yeah... she's different to every women I met so far. She's the one who changed me and she's also the reason why I am in this place right now. We both faced a lot of circumstances just to get to this point. Then I realized, it's not just a friend feelings, it's more than that now..."

Akane: Teenage love relationship surely is interesting...

Chrono: "But after all these three months, planning and thinking about this plan. Turned out that not everything will go our way, maybe I should have tell her three months ago via phone call or something..."

Iwakura then approached him...

Iwakura: "Mr. Shindou... Master Shion just called me and you should return to the hotel now..."

Chrono: "Eh? Okay then, well then Akane I'll leave now... would you like to come with us? We might drop you at your workplace as well..."

Akane: "Oh there's no need for that, I'll take a taxi."

Chrono: "Ah okay then, thank you for the coffee..."

Akane: "No problem..."

Chrono returned to the hotel and saw Shion already waiting in front of his room door...

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