Turn 9: Reunion

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He just stood there... froze. He can't believe what he just saw. He froze like an ice, and he didn't know what to do now... Several seconds later, he is just furious and Shion can see it in his eyes. It looks like the fire inside of him has returned, but not the one he is expecting...

Chrono: "I'm leaving..."

Kamui: "Eh already?"

Chrono: "Akane, this is for you. I'm sorry, but I'll leave now." (Gave the rose to her)

Akane: "Uhm... eh?"

Shion: "Wait Chrono..."

Shion ran after him...

Kazuma: "Ah man, looks like we failed."

Taiyou: "Looks like it."

Kumi: "I guess we should have tell him afterall."

Shion ran after him... surprisingly enough, he took a taxi to go back to the hotel...

Shion: "Iwakura, where is Chrono?"

Iwakura: "I saw him took the taxi earlier, is there something wrong? He seems to be in a hurry as well..."

Shion: Is he heading to the hotel?

Kamui: "Shion!"

Shion: "Huh, Kamui?"

Kamui: "Is he heading back to the hotel?"

Shion: "Seems like it."

Kamui: "The door card is with me, here take it and go after him. He probably couldn't go inside..."

Shion: "Jeez, how did it end up like this?" (Facepalm)

Meanwhile Kazuma and the others didn't know what to do since the plan fail...

Kazuma: "What should we do now?"

Taiyou: "I don't know..."

Kazuma: "And they seems to be enjoying it. Jeez, I don't know what is in Shindou's head right now..."

Akane: "It seems the plan fail, but despite all of that. Please, enjoy the rest of the party and approach her."

Kazuma: "I didn't even know her yet, but you're right. Okazaki, let's go and see her."

Kumi: "Yes..."

It took them a few minutes until they can finally approached her...

Akane: "Tokoha, can you come here for a minute?"

Tokoha: "Okay, wait a minute Miguel."

Miguel: "Oh, okay. I'll be waiting here."

Tokoha then went to Akane...

Tokoha: "What is it, Akane?"

Akane: "There's someone who want to meet you."

Tokoha: "Huh, who?"

Kumi: "Surprise!"

Tokoha: "Eh, Kumi?! And..."

Taiyou: "Hello there, Tokoha."

Tokoha: "Taiyou... and you must be..."

Kazuma: "Kazuma Shouji. Nice to meet you..."

Tokoha: "Wait, you didn't tell me that you all going to Paris..."

Kumi: "It's a surprise hehe..."

Akane: "They have this plan for almost three months now and here we are..."

Tokoha: "I see... but..."

Kamui: "Ah I see you all have finally reunited."

Tokoha: "Kamui, you're here too."

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