Turn 15: I Miss Her

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Chrono is working at Card Capital 2 as usual. The shop is still quite empty at the time so he is just doing some cleaning and moving some boxes here and there...

It's been four months since he and the others went to Paris and he confessed his feelings to Tokoha. Even though they called numerous times, it's not the same feeling as meeting her in person...

So yeah, he definitely missed her. Four months now they are dating and time does fly really fast but he still miss her so much...

Kamui: "So here are the boxes that Shin ordered..."

Chrono: (Daydreaming)

Kamui: "Chrono? Hey... Chrono!"

Chrono: "Huh?"

Kamui: "What are you thinking? You're not hearing what I said?"

Chrono: "Sorry, what is it just now?"

Kamui: "Jeez, these are the boxes that Shin ordered."

Chrono: "Oh, just put that there..."

Kamui: "Okay, by the way where is he?"

Chrono: "Oh, he went outside... he said there is something that he needed to do."

Kamui: "Ah okay then. Anyway, it's still quite empty here."

Chrono: "Yeah, it's usually quite at this hour but it will get crowded soon."

Kamui: "I see... anyway, how is it going?"

Chrono: "Hm? What do you mean?"

Kamui: "Tokoha of course... how is it?"

Chrono: "Still fine... although I really miss her. It's tough to have a relationship like this."

Kamui: "Long distance relationship huh... well, it really is tough."

Chrono: "Yeah, I'm just hoping that maybe she can go here soon, although I don't want to be selfish and forcing her to go here and not thinking about here future."

Kamui: "Yeah, just be patient. She will soon come here, maybe in the summer."

Chrono: "Maybe..."

Then the shop started to get a little bit crowded...

Chrono: "Told you that it's getting crowded..."

Kamui: "Yeah, well I have to go now. Remember, stay focus and make sure to stop daydreaming just earlier."

Chrono: "I know that..."

Meanwhile Kazuma and the others arrived at the shop...

Kazuma: "Hey there!"

Chrono: "You're finally here..."

Kazuma: "Hm, why?"

Chrono: "No, it's just so silent a few hours ago but now it's starting to get crowded."

Taiyou: "Well, that's a good thing right."

Chrono: "Yeah."

Kazuma: "Well then Taiyou, fight me!"

Taiyou: "Okay okay."

Chrono then just sitting at the counter yet again feeling a bit empty...

Shion: "Looks like someone is a bit down..."

Chrono: "Eh, Shion?"

Shion: "It's been a while since I went here..."

Chrono: "Yeah, I know you have been pretty busy so..."

Shion: "Is everything alright? Is there a problem?"

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