Turn 6: Brother Advice

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Chrono went to Mamoru's apartment and helped him to make dinner...

Chrono: "Mamoru, let me help you with the cook."

Mamoru: "No, you don't need to. I feel bad for inviting you but then you have to do the cooking as well. You can prepare the table if you want."

Chrono: "Ah okay then..."

Several minutes later...

Mamoru: "Hot hot hot... alright, here you go!"

Chrono: "A hotpot huh... this brings back memories."

Mamoru: "Yeah, Tokoha is the queen of hotpot and I learned a few things from her."

Chrono: "I see..."

Mamoru: "And since winter is just around the corner. I guess hotpot is not a bad choice. I just hope it's as good as Tokoha..."

Chrono: "I'm sure it will be as good as her."

Then they ate their dinner...

Chrono: "Thanks for the food. Thank you for inviting me Mamoru."

Mamoru: "No problem, at least I have a friend to share a dinner with."

Chrono: "I see..."

Mamoru: "So, how are you doing lately?"

Chrono: "I'm fine... although a bit weird to not have her around."

Mamoru: "Tokoha? Well, she's a cheerful person so not having her around after all those years might be quite weird. Even I experienced it when I moved here. Although I still saw her numerous times. But it's different now that she's in a different country."

Chrono: "Yes, that's right."

Mamoru: "Actually I wonder, what's your true relationship with her?"

Chrono: "Huh?"

Mamoru: "You don't need to answer if you don't want to, I'm just curious hehe..."

Chrono: "Uhm..." Shall I tell him? I mean... I have told Shion and Mikuru and now Mamoru could be the next one... not only that, it's her brother out of all people...

Mamoru: "Well?"

Chrono: "Uhm, if I have to be honest. I think I... consider her more than just a friend. I... have this feelings for her ever since the Stride Gate events. At first I was confused about this feelings but now I'm sure, that it's... a romantic feelings."

Mamoru: (Smiling) "I see..."

Chrono: "That's right... I think as her brother, you should know about this."

Mamoru: "Hm? So you haven't told anybody yet, including her?"

Chrono: "I only told Shion and Mikuru... and you now."

Mamoru: "Well, as her brother I have no problem if she end up in a relationship, in fact I'm glad if it's you out of all people."

Chrono: "Eh?"

Mamoru: "Afterall, you know her more than anybody else right now. I'll tell you a story back in the past when she told me about you..."


Mamoru: "Paris?"

Tokoha: "Yep, I want to go and study there once I graduated from junior high school. I'm aiming for Euro League as well."

Mamoru: "So you want to take a different path huh?"

Tokoha: "Of course, with all due respect I don't want to be in your shadow and do the same thing as you, big brother."

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