I do not own any Twilight characters. But I do own emily so BOOM!
P.s A little heads up these next few chapters are going to be a little short. IM sowie :'(
Emily's P.O.v
We were all gathered around Rosalie's bed. Dad and Edward didn't want me there in case she attacked me because of my heart beat. But some how I convinced then to let me stay. We all held our breath when we heared her last heart beat. She gasped and opened her eyes. They were dark red. Dad explained to me that all newborns go through that. Edward pushed me to the far right wall, and stood infront of me. I rolled my eyes. Really?
'Edward move your lanky butt' I thought. 'I can't see my new sis.'
He ignored me. Typical. Dad walked over to her. I noticed he took cautious steps. Mom had a hand over her heart. Worrying for her husband. Rosalie shot out of bed, and crouched down in defensive position, letting out a meanicing growl. Great. I crouched down behind Edward just in case she desides to attack my father or my family. She moved her right foot to the left.
(Flashback) 1590
I was training with father. While mother watched from her cage. I was distracted. Next thing you know im flat on the floor. My father bent down and whispered in my ear.
"Heres a tip. When fighting watch there feet and there every move. You can always tell when there going" He got back to his feet pulling me with him. "Again"
(Flashback ends)
For that little move she just did was enough for me. Before anyone could blink I threw her to the floor.
"Relax Rosalie. Listen to me. We are here to help you. Not to harm you. But I will if you attck my family. Listen to my voice. Don't you remember my voice? Think. I was here talking to you. Holding you hand provbaly while you burned." I reminded her. I crouched down to her level "Think" I told her. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Okay what do you remember?" I asked her.
"Burning. I remember a little of you coming to comfort me. I remember...no thats not possible." She said.
"Whats not possible?" I asked her.
"Someone. A man named Carlisle, he said that I was turing into a vampire.But thats not possible right? There not real. Right? " I took a deep breath.
"You tell me." She was going to say something, but instead her hands touched her throat. "Maybe we should rap this up and take care of her throat" Looking at my dad.He noded his head. Here we go

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...