I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT. Stephine Meyer does. I do own Emily and Colton.
Enjoy, hopefully you like it.
The familiar scents, absorbed through my nose. The sun was hidden behind the dark sky's. The sound of the rain pelting the windshield or out taxi, broke me out of my daze. Colton was quite, watching out his window the whole time. He was even quite during the plane ride. I feel so guilty. I love him, I really do but I just took him away from his family, his friends, his life. The sign Forks, Washington welcomed me to my home. I sighed, I wonder if my family's okay. Are they here? Is Bella okay? Hopefully she tried to stay out of trouble, but knowing her she hasn't been . I told the driver my address. i took out cash and waited for the car to stop.
"Do you think they'll like me?" Colton asked nervously. He was meeting a house full of vampires.He was currently on his phone, playing something. Either that or he was texting someone.
I pondered that answer. Would they like him? would they understand him. I gave him the truth. "I don't know, hopefully they'll understand everything." I didn't want to go into details, with human ears so close.
"Because of the vulture?"
I suppressed a laugh and leaned in closer, so wandering ears couldn't hear. "The Volturi."
"Their dangerous?"
"Of course there dangerous!" The taxi driver exclaimed. My head snapped towards him. What? How did he know them? Was he working for them? "Seen it on the News, a guy came to close to its nest and BAM! The vulture attacked the man, because he got to close to his nest." I breathed out a sigh of relief. The man carried on, and on about the Vulture attack. I cut him off, and told him to go down my driveway. His heart beat quickened, when the woods became darker and thicker. My eyes caught small droplets of sweat descended from his head. "Uh. . . are you sure that someone lives here?" My house came into view. Everything looked the same except, the wild vines that grew on the house. They weaved threw each other.
So i'm guessing no ones been here for a while. I pulled out two hundred and gave it to him. "Keep the change." Colton opened the door and held it for me. I thanked him and closed the door behind us. We both opened the trunk and grabbed our bags. The driver took off like a bat out of hell. "Wonder what's got his panties in a twist. Come on." Walking in the steps of the house, brought so many memories back to me. The front door was unlocked, which was usual, we never really locked it, because no one would come back this far into the woods. The both of us walked in. Everything was the same. I walked in further and brushed my hand against Edwards piano keys.
"So this is your home?"
"Yeah." I looked around. "Cozy right?" My mate looked at the couch. "You can sit if you want to. But I have to do something real quick. So make yourself at home. But don't go into any bed rooms, except mine. Um there's food in the fridge. I promise i'll be right back." I kissed his cheek, and left.
I ran threw the familiar woods, and quickly found the house I wanted. The familiar, scent of lilac and honey, meet my nose. Charlie's cruiser wasn't there in the driveway. One heart beat was in the house, and that was Bella. A twig snapped behind me. I quickly turned, and saw a flash of red. I growled and took off after it. It was a vampire. I could tell. What was a vampire doing by Bella's house? As I ran closer too it, I took a leap of faith and lunged forwards, making whoever I had, fall forward and throw me off of them. We both fell down a steep hill. At the same time, we both flipped on our backs and came into a crouching position. My fangs became more menacing, when attracted them out.

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...