Quick authors note: The italics are the lyrics to the video from up top! I thought it was a neat idea to place them inside the story so it gives it more of a "Dramatic feel". At least I hope it does. lol I hope you like, loves!
I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
And I fear no evil 'cause I'm blind to it all.*Flashback*
"Mother, what is this?" I whispered through the night as I reached forward and grabbed the shiny bracelet through the bars of my cell.
"It is for your protection. I wore it against your father and now you can wear it for any enemy ahead that you may face." Before I could protest, she quickly rushed forward and hugged me. Her arms wrapped around the bars and myself. I never fully hugged my mother before. "You will live on to tell this tale. You must know this." She released me and brought her hands up to my face. "You are a warrior, my daughter. Your father is a monster for what he has done to us, but know this, my love, you are never truly alone. If you wear this, remember these words, 'You are in control. No one else'."
The sound of the large, steel door began to open and before I knew it, my mother was gone once again. Instead of my mother being in front of me, now stood my father. If he could be even called that. He smirked as he eyed my body up and down with a large grin. In his hand was a small rectangle knife. "Lets get started."
I gripped the bracelet behind my back as I repeated the words my mother said to me mere seconds ago. 'You are in control.'
*Flashback ends*
And my mind, my gun they comfort me.
Because I know I'll kill my enemies when they come.
Edward ignored me the whole time we sat in this thing called "school". It was like a prison, we were only aloud to talk when spoken too, barely any windows, and being immortal while repeating the same thing over and over again was torture. Sometimes I think the teachers had suspicions about us. Not about us being supernatural but about having our pockets inside the school system.
I tried calling Edward though my mind but he still never turned around in class and since he wanted to be a stubborn boyfriend and brother, I decided to sing loudly in my head. I didn't know how he could read my mind here and there, it was almost as if my mind took a break from being a brick wall. I wouldn't have been surprised if it had something to with Colton.
Bella had texted me and said she was safe and that she'll text me when she gets home. Seems like Miss Ella and Mr Eddy needed to have a nice long chat about trusting each other and "package deals". I still wanted to know why Jacob showed respect to me in such a manner. He hated Vampires, there for he had to hate me. It was in his blood and nature.
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.
And I will dwell on this earth for ever more.Now, after school, Edward ran out of class at high speed, barely allowing me to catch up, and without a look back he took off. Leaving me to run home. Well screw you too. I wiped out my phone and began to text the girl that stole my brothers heart.
'So Edwards pissed.' I stated as I walked through the woods. Leaving all the chatty teens behind me.
The three little bubbles popped up just before she messaged me. 'I figured as much. Emily I am so sorry you had to see us fight.'
I scoffed and began to walk slower, enjoying the moment of silence I could rarely get. 'If that was a "fight", I'd hate to see you two "yell" at each other. What are you doing now?'
'Jacob's taking me to a Quileute bonfire. I guess all of the elders are gonna be there and tell us stories of your kind.'
I raised an eyebrow at this information. People really needed to stop calling me just a "vampire". I was many, many things. 'My kind, huh?'
'Well Edwards.'
'Enjoy the bonfire, Ella. Let me know some of their stories. I have a feeling in my stomach that's screaming 'popcorn!'
Sad I walk beside the still waters and they restore my soul.
But I can't walk on the path of the right because I'm wrong."Hello, Emily." I stopped in my tracks as his voice whispered through the wind. I slowly lifted my head and touched the bracelet on my wrist. "I thought Edward was picking you up from school?" He chuckled.
Turning around, I gulped down my anger and smiled through my teeth. "Hello, Colton. Finally decided to come back I see? Tell me, how is our dear, sweet Victoria? Is she still mourning the loss of James or are you filling that void now?" He stood in shock as my anger rose higher. "Yeah about that . . .I know all about your little scandalous affairs."
I rushed forward and placed my lips to his ear. "And you know what the funny thing is? You think you're going to survive this war."
Before I could react, he quickly pulled my arm and flipped me on my back. I aloud this to happen as he bent down towards my face. His eyes grew a dark, deep red as they looked into my own. "You will forget this every happened, wolf."
A small smirk appeared on my face as I felt the power of my mothers bracelet reflect his own. This was how she was able to be stable around my father. She knew what was happening and had asked a village witch to cast a protection spell on the trinket to protect her. "So, you are a projector." I giggled as his faced morphed into confusion. "Oh, sweetheart, you should have seen this coming."
I quickly pulled him towards me and used my body weight to switch roles with him and now I was the one in control. Just. How. I. Wanted it. "Tell me, Colton. . .how long would have you let this go on for?" I gestured between us as he struggled underneath me. Pathetic, really. "Because I thought the term "mate" meant forever." He growled against me as I punched his ribs. In satisfaction, I laughed as I heard a loud 'crack'.
"I'm gonna kill you. You know that right?" He smiled in my direction as he spat on the ground next to my foot that held his wrist down. "You're dead."
I lowered my head towards him, our foreheads touching as my lips ghosted over his. "I know." I pulled myself off of him and tossed him carelessly into a tree. The tree slowly begun to crack with the hard force that was thrown upon it so suddenly. "So here's what's going to happen here, babe!" I hissed as he begun to sit back up. He wiped the blood from his nose as he rose to his feet. "You're leaving Forks. You're leaving everything you have to me and if I see your face ever again, I won't hesitate to rip that pretty neck off of your shoulders. Are we clear?"
No I can't walk.
On the path of the rightHe brushed off the dirt from his jacket as he stalked forward. He stopped at arms length in front of me. I rose an eyebrow, waiting for the mutt to speak. "I knew you were no killer. You can't even kill me."
"Sweetheart." I took the two steps ahead and flipped out my finger, I glanced upwards towards his eyes and aloud my nail to grow out. With a quick 'flick' I slid my finger across his neck. In satisfaction I watched the blood trickle down from the wound. "You don't know anything about me. I'm showing you mercy!" I laughed as I took a step back. "Run along, Cole." I began to walk away as the rain started to pour into the forest. Before I got to far, I turned around, my hair blowing from the harsh winds. He was still there, watching me walk away from him this time. "Colton? Please tell Victoria the same advice I told you. Maybe she'll learn a lesson."
'Cause I'm wrong.

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...