"What up papa vamp?" I bounded down the stairs and into the small dinning room. I plopped down on the couch next too Carlisle and placed my feet onto Jaspers' legs. The couch was the most comfiest thing I've sat on all day. Ever since I hunted with Esme, all I did was sit on rocks as my mother fed. I really didn't need too feed. She needed her strength and it gave us a lil' bonding time.
Carlisle and Jasper greeted me with the smallest smiles. I heard a small 'swoosh' before Emmett punched me in my shoulder. I looked behind me and scoffed at my big brother. "What's up bear?"
"Shh." Carlisle shushed us and began to turn up the TV. I rolled my eyes and smirked as Emmett flicked a piece of my hair in annoyance. "Please." He added softly.
I placed a pillow behind my head as I listened too the news casters' report. My eyes scanned the background, trying too find any missing clues maybe the police might have missed.
"Developing story."
SEATTLE VIOLENCE CONTINUES.Behind the reporter, a police car sat in the distance and within the back, "Caution tap" was wrapped around a small area of the ground. More bodies were being pilled up. It was going too cause a scene for our kind. It was a dangerous thing and whoever was doing this, was new at this.
A pair of footsteps echoed through my ears and two familiar scents met my nose. I smiled reluctantly as Bella and Edward walked through the hallway, hand and hand. I knew, in my head, I sounded like a broken record about them but - they were always happy with one another - content.
Edward nodded at me, as too which I waved at both of them. Bella smiled and chuckled. "Hey Emily."
"Ella." I greeted with a toothy smile. With introduction aside, both of the newcomers focus was now on the TV. Just like the rest of us. I rubbed Jaspers shoulders as he began to breath a bit deeper since Bella moved closer into the room. "Its okay, Jasper." I said softly so Bella couldn't hear. Edward eyed his brother before glancing at me. I rolled my eyes at his protectiveness. "Relax, Wolverine." The comment was more directed towards his hair, since it looked like he hasn't brushed it in about a week.
Bed head, much?
Jasper breathed in and relaxed as I threw calming waves towards the empath. It was irony really.
"Its getting worse." Carlisle shoulders slumped with worry as he turned off the TV. I could tell he was stressed over this. "We're going to have to do something about this." He never liked violence and always tried too find another way. But sometimes, there was no other way.
"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting." Jasper spoke stiffly. He did his best too keep calm, Alice wasn't around at the moment so it was my job to calm the raging beast. I chuckled inside my head at the mere thought. Rosalie was more of beast than anyone else here. I sometimes think Carlisle turned her while she was on her period and now she was forever cramping and in a 'mood'.
"Quite a few more." I agreed. "Almost as if someone was...dare I say it, creating any army." There was too many deaths, too many killings of humans. One person couldn't be doing all this damage in a big city.
"And they're undisciplined, conspicuous." Jasper continued. I studied the side of my brothers face as I could see the wheels turning in his head. What was he thinking about?
"Its Newborns." Edward stated, speaking for the very first time since he's been home.
I rose an eyebrow and thought about it. "That's a whole lot of Newborns." Why would someone wanna make a whole new army of Newborn vampires? They would be everywhere and without the proper training, you wouldn't be able too handle that many. Unless...they didn't wanna handle them.

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...