Everything belongs to Stephenie Meyer. I own my own characters.
(No hate messages, only constructive criticism. Please.)
Picture- Forks Biology scene
Song-Radiohead- 15 step
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I shot straight up, I felt tiny little water pellets on my face. I must of fallen asleep in the woods. Oh well. I went straight towards home and went to bed. Not bothering to say anything to my family. Edward and I shared a special bond. Kind of like twins.
Its been exactly three weeks, and he hasn't returned. He better not have wrecked my car in any way shape or form. Or A) he buys me a new one. B) He becomes a girl. There is no option C. I heard a car door shut. I flashed to my window, to see my family greeting Edward. I flashed outside.
"Thank god your home." I said passing Edward and to my car. I hugged it. Emmett chuckled and Jasper chuckled, while Edward rolled his eyes.
"Welcome home son" Dad said.
Mom hugged Edward, and looked him sternly in the eyes. "Don't ever do that again."
"Sorry mom" He said ashamed. I jumped on his back, probably not surprising him.
"Don't you ever do that again, and I want my keys back." I told him. Him and my family laughed at me. I dropped down and smiled at my brother. He tossed me the keys.
"Missed you too Emily,"
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Its Monday, Finally. The weather channel sad it was going to snow. But who needs the weather channel when you Alice. Since Edward came back, he's been happy, excited and confusing. He's like a girl on PMS. Edward has been really happy then upset, then back to normal. Either Tanya had sex with him or he's on drugs. I just got out of the car, I wasn't paying attention to Emmett who through a snowball at me. Dick. The three boys and I goofed offed, while Alice and Rosalie stayed back. The bell rang, every teenager filed in the building quickly.
I ran into the lunchroom. I made my way over to our lunch table, not bothering to take my tray. Edward, Emmett and Jasper came in with snow saturated with melting snow. I chuckled at them. Boys never growing up. Rosalie and Alice followed there mates and sat next to them.
"Ha, Ha" I mocked them. Emmett pulled snow out of his hair and threw it at me. I ducked, it hit the other side of the cafeteria wall and made a rumble because of the force. The kids next to that wall looked but found nothing.
"Way to go Emmett!" Rosalie hissed hitting the back of his head.
"Ow! Rosie. What was that for?" Emmett whined, rubbing the spot were she hit him.
"Bella, what are you staring at?" Jessica asked her. I looked at Bella. She was staring at Edward, not even seeing me. Edwards head popped up and looked back at her. Bella quickly dropped her head letting her hair fall to conceal her face. I looked at Edward, he was still staring at her. "Edward Cullen is staring at you" Jessica giggled in Bella's ear.
"He doesn't look angry, does he?" Bella asked concerned.
'Way to go Edward you scared her away.' I scolded him in my thoughts.
"No",Jessica sounded confused. Doesn't surprise me. "Should he be?"
"I don't think he likes me" She said putting her head down on her arm.
'No its not that , he just wants to kill you. I thought sarcastically. Edward growled.
"Not helping Emily. " He growled again.
"The Cullen's don't like anybody . . . . Well, they don't notice anybody enough to like them. But he's still staring at you" Jessica said.
"Stop looking at him" Bella hissed. She reminded of my of a small kitten trying to hold her ground. Jessica snickered and looked away. What a witch.
"Can you hear her?" I asked Edward. The other's were to busy talking to each other, and snogging. He shook his head no. The bell rang again, the teenagers scrambled every way. Time for Biology. Alice and Jasper went there way. Emmett and Rosalie in the other, and Edward and I went ours. When Edward and I entered Biology, Bella was already there drawing on her folder. As I sat down in my seat I tapped Edward on his shoulder.
"Try not to scare her" I suggested. He ignored me.
"Hello," He started. Bella looked shocked that he was talking to her. "My name is Edward Cullen. I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be Bella swan."
"H-How did you know my name?" She stammered.
First mistake Edward.
"Oh, I think everyone knows your name. The whole towns been waiting for you to arrive" He chuckled. Smooth Edward.
"No, I meant why did you call me Bella?" She persisted.
'Edward I said it was okay to talk to her not give away that you have super hearing. I thought to him. I'm totally okay with Edward having a "Friend". I'm not okay that we give our secret away. I don't trust her. Heck I hardly know her. She's human, were vampires simple logic.
"Do you prefer Isabella?" My brother seemed a little confused.
"No I like Bella-But I think Charlie, I mean my dad, must call Isabella behind my back." Bella explained.
"oh" Edward said dropping the subject. She looked away awkwardly.
"Wow, your not good with girls. Why to go Edward, way to make it awkward." I whispered so only he could hear it. Mr. Molina called the class to order, thankfully. Maybe Edward found his mate. Alice saw the visions.
"Get started" Mr. Molina commanded. Mike was glaring at Edward. I laughed to myself. I got the expression , 'if looks could kill'.
"Mike" I said waving my hand in his face. He was completely out of it. My brother was to busy flirting and my lab partner was glaring at my flirting brother. Ugh! This is going to be a long day in hell.

Twilight plus one
Fanfic❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...