Authors note: Were almost to Eclipse and I do have a lot of of twist and turns for everyone! Chapters will be longer and I will finish this story! I'm so exctied for you to read it! After this story is done I will go back and and fix the spelling mistakes. I started this story when I was fourteen, so it was bad! Now that I'm seventeen, my grammar is getting better. Hopefully you like and enjoy it! So without futher adew. Here's a chapter!
(Short chapter)
Comment if ya like.
If you keep buliding these walls,
Brick by Brick towers so tall,
Soon I wont see you at all,
Until the Concrete Angel falls,
I knew who you were from the start,
But now I dont know who you are,
Soon there will be nothing at all,
Until the conrete angel falls.
Chapter 40: "Bella, the Caffeine Junky."
While we had to wait paiently for the sun to go down, I was slowly getting used to the vemon that was still left in my body. When we got home, I needed to go hunting or ask Carlisle what to do, maybe Jasper. They both have the most experience. Alice was currently on the phone with Jasper, who was worried to no end, but Alice being Alice, reassured him that everything went fine, except for my little misshap. Over the phone I had heard three shouts of outrage when she had told him that. I was happy that my family was back together again. While Alice was on the phone, I had told her to tell Carlisle that I would talk to him when we got to the airport or when we got home. Which ever he preferred.
Bella was sitting on Edwards lap, pratically shaking like a leaf, from hearing and seeing everything that just had happened. She kept reapeating she was sorry than Edward would slowly reassure her and she would go back to being quiet.
Edward and I had a silent conversation our lips and voices moved fast so Bella would not hear anything. I was mad at him in the past but now were all okay and together and that was all that mattered.
Demetri was on my hit list along with a few other people. Since they attacked my village a long time ago, I wanted to return the favor. But I would have to play it smart and be quick about it. I wouldnt attack now, of course, maybe in a few centuries. The sweet sound of revenge is all I could hear everyday and I cant help but listen to it.
"Em?" Alice called and pulled the phone away from her ear and gave it too me. "Colton wants to talk to you."
I nodded and walked over to a window across the room. Alice sat down in my spot and started to rub slow circles on her arm. I pulled up the phone and smiled," Hey."
"Hey?! Hey! You scare the death of me and all you have to say is 'Hey'?' Do you have any idea how worried I was? I all about drove Jasper crazy and Emmett offered to drop kick me and I had all theses scenes about what was going to happen to you! And I heard about your bite mark! I will get him. You dont have to worry about a thing. As soon as the sun goes down you come home! Do you understand?! I cant lose you! No I wont lose you! -"
"Cole!" I cut him off because I knew if I didnt I would get an ear full over the next ten minutes. "Relax, I'm fine, Alice is fine, Bella is fine, and Edward is fine. Were all fine. So take a deep breath and breathe. Dont worry because as soon as the sun does go down, were out of here. We'll make a B-line straight to airport, hop on the plane,and we'll be home before you know it. Wait! Your with my family?! What? How?"

Twilight plus one
Fiksi Penggemar❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...