Chapter 35 Going home

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OH MY GOD, I am so so sorry. I can't believe I haven't updated in a longgggggg time, and for that I am sorry, expect more updates for NOW ON! Again I am so sorry. I just needed a break. Thank you again for your undying support! 

You guys! almost 23K! Dang, is my story really that great? Because my grammar sucks! I know I have grammar mistakes, but I'll work on those when i'm done with the whole entire book! Hopefully sometimes this year. Thank you again for everything! 


I'm so sorry it was short, but the next one shall be longer. 

My mom and dad's marriage is in a ruff spot, wish them good luck. 


(Third person.)

The sun broke through the trees, shinning its brightness, on the two lovers. They never new what life was going to be like. I'm mean, all they thought about was surviving. Never getting the time to just live. To be with each other. To be with family, who weren't trying to kill them. Now, everyday, every minute, they have to keep pushing themselves. The two can not stop running. 

Colton made his decision.. Its to be with his mate. Yeah, he missed his home, his family, friends. He missed everything. But, Emily is his everything. He, didn't believe his mother could be so cruel, to someone who was so innocent. He couldn't believe his dad would go along with it. His parents!  Before Emily came along, all he cared about was school, friends, and pizza. Now he has to worry about Emily. Were would they even go. They cant go anywhere in the state, because his dad has a werewolf in every town. Its what keeps the peace. 

Colton decided to wake his sleeping beauty. "Em, come on, sweetie time to wake up." He nudged her softly. "We got to get a move on."

Her eyes slowly slide open. "What time is it?" Shielding her eyes from the bright sun, she got up and stretched. Her mate was comfortable, but the ground wasn't. Her pants were all muddy, with leaves sticking to her butt.  Colton laughed at the scene before him. She looked at him, a small smile forming on her face. "What?" He shook his head, and brushed the stuff off of her. "Thanks." He simply nodded, and gathered there belongings. "You okay?" Concern was laced in her voice. Did she do something wrong? 

He sighed, and looked away from her. "I just miss them." 

Emily automatically felt guilty, it was entirely her fault. "I'm so sorry Cole. You don't even know how sorry I am." 

He looked at her, love was shown on his face, even though he missed them, he could never be mad at his mate. "Its okay, they made their decisions, we made ours." His fingers webbed through hers. "Together." 

She smiled and brought his hand up to her mouth, and kissed it. "I love you." 

He dropped her hand and put his arms around her shoulders, and kissed her head. "I love you more. Now, I haven't thought of a place that we could go. Have you thought of anything?" 

"Not yet, but i'll think of something." 

They two love birds walked, occasionally stopping to see if they were being followed. The two talked, and talked, not leaving anything out of theirs lives. Emily found out a lot of things about Colton. Like the fact that he likes vanilla, and strawberry ice cream. Or like the fact, that he only chews bubble gum. He doesn't like people who complain about every little thing.  He listens to any music, he doesn't really have a favorite. 

Colton learned little things about Emily. She was still kind of closed off, even though, she told him almost everything she didn't tell him the full story about her old family. Although he new of her vampire family, he was okay with it, and he seemed interested in the stories about Jasper's life. He also seemed excited to meet Emmett. The trouble maker. Emily told him about Edward and his human lover, and to be quite frank, he supported her brother. He felt like if you love each other, no matter what, than you should be able to love that person. 

While Emily and Colton walked through the woods, she thought of her family. She new what she was doing. It sucked! She was going to put her family at risk, by bringing a shiftier to her family. She new that Caius, had them all executed, that he knew of. But if the Vuturi found out, not only would she die, but so would her mate, and family. Family. 

"Hey Colton, I have an idea." She smiled. Why didn't she think of it before? Edward wasn't the boss of her, she was her own person. Plus he said to leaver her alone. He didn't say for how long. She wondered what her sister would be doing. Maybe creating more trouble. She snickered to herself at that point. She was going to call Alice, to make sure everything was okay, but her cell phone was destroyed. 

Noticing her smiling like the Cheshire cat. "What is it?" Her smile grew wider. Colton wondered what she was smiling at, so he looked to were she was looking at. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing there, except dirt. "Sweetie you okay?" She squealed and jumped up and down. He was considering, taking her to a doctor. 

Her hands clapped together, she dragged Colton by the arm. "Come on, Come on!" 

 "Where are we going?" 

"We are going to my home, my life, my sisters home. Fork's Washington." 

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