I don't own anything, Stephanie Meyer does, so HA!
(Based on book and movie)
put on your library ! :)
Picture- Emily lily rose, in hybrid mode
song- Come away to the water.
(play music)
They emerged one by one. They stepped with dominance. The first male that stepped into the clearing fell back immediately, allowing the other male to take, front and center, orienting himself around the tall, dark-haired man in a manner that Cleary stated who led the pack. The third was a woman who looked like she was able to hold her own. From a mile away, you could see that her hair, was a shade of red, that had twigs and debris. Her strides had a certain feline characteristic. I moved closer to Bella. The three nomads wore normal clothes, but they were frayed, though with wear , and they were barefoot. Kids these days would say 'badass' I would say, that their here to eat you, same thing.
The nomads had their own personality. The two men stepped forward, as they stopped in front of us. The man in the front looked more at ease, his hair was glossy black. He was medium build. He smiled showing off perfect white, pointy teeth. The woman looked more wild, her eyes were fierce, her wild hair blowing in the air. The second male I was wary about. He hovered unobtrusively behind the other two, just a tad smaller than the leader. His eyes were completely still he seemed the most vigilant. I kept my guard up as they walked closer.
The dark haired man, still smiling stepped towards Carlisle. "I think this belongs to you" The dark haired man, threw the ball to dad.
Carlisle caught it "Thank you"
"We thought we heard a game," His voice had the slightest French accent. "I'm Laurent, these are Victoria and James." So creepy vampire one and two have names know.
"I'm Carlisle, this is my family."
"Hello, Do you have room for three more players?" Laurent asked curiously. His blazing red eyes searched our faces. "Come one, just one game."
'He's not actually thinking that they can join us right?' I thought to Edward. 'We have to get Bella out of here Edward. We cant play with her here! If we leave, I'll run behind you, just incase' I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye. I had an off feeling about saint Vicky and James. Laurent seemed liked Carlisle, except a more sinister, killer way.
Carlisle nodded "Sure, a few of us were leaving, you can take their place, We'll bate first." Good, I'll go with Emmett, Edward, Alice , and Bella. I don't need a physic power, but I have a really bad feeling about this. I heard Bella's heartbeat quicken. She keeps that up, her cover is blown. Come on Edward calm her down.
'Edward' I thought frantically. 'Calm her down, her cover will be blown if she keeps it up'
James eyes never left the three of us. I think he was trying to figure out with I was. People have told me that my scent smells human, but its mixed with vampire, and werewolf. They say its hard to explain.
Dad threw the ball back. Victoria's hand whipped out and snatched the ball and smirked. "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball."
"Oh I think we can handle that." Jasper chuckled. I raised an eyebrow, Were seriously doing this aren't we?

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...