Hey guys. :) 582 reads that is AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE I love you guys thanks for everything :)
I do not own anything. Except for my characters.
Everything belongs to Stephenie Meyer.
NO HATE MESSAGES. thats a no no. :)
Thanks for reading.
Picture or Emilys bedroom.
Song-dust in the wind by Kansas
Please listen to as you read. I was listing to it as I wrote this chapter thanks for everything guys.
I looked at there discription. She was maybe 4'10" and her hair color was black, but spiky. She looked very tiny but graceful. She had this bouncy, boubbley aura. She had gold eyes. I like her.
Her companion, Jasper was very tall, almost as tall as the other men in this family. Maybe even 6'3". He had gold eyes. His honey blond hair fell just above collar length. He had a medium build.
"Um dad we have guests" I called to him. The family came in veiw. They saw Alice and Jasper. "This is Alice and Jasper."
Dad came to the door. "Come in. Im Carlisle this is -"
"Esme your wife. Emmett your son. Rosalie your daughter. Emmett and her are married. You have another son: Edward, but he's hunting at the moment, and you must be Emily," Alice said pointing at me. Wow!! She's really good. We all had schocked faces. She giggled.
"Um. how did you know that," Rosalie asked worriedly.
"Im psychic, and Jazz here is an empath." Alice said, looking proud at her mate.
"I can feel, and manipulate emotions." Jasper said. He had a slight twang, to his voice. Im guessing Texas. We all had the exact same look. Shock. Those powers are so, cool.Mom was the first to "un-freeze".
"Please come sit" Mom requested.
"Thank you Esme." Alice said, grabbing Jasper and pulling him along. They both sat down on the couch. I sat next to Alice. She smiled at me.
"So. Why don't you tell us about yourselfs," My dad offered. Alice nodded.
"Okay. I'll go first. Im Alice, and I can't remember anything from my human years. I was turned in 1920. I saw a vision of you. So I started on your diet. I met Jasper, well more like founf him." She giggled.
"Im sorry," I said to her. I wish I could'nt remember my human years.
"No it's okay, my life has gotten better since I found Jasper." She looked at Jasper. "Your turn." She said cutely. I smiled at their love.
"Of course mam'. My full name is Jasper Whitlock. I was born in 1844 and turned in 1863. I grew up in Housten, Texas. When I was almost seventeen, I lied about my age and I volunteered to join the Confederate Army. I rose quickly through the ranks. I was now a major. After leading a group of refugees from Galveston to Houston, I encountered three beautiful women. There name was Maria, Nettie, and lucy. Maria dedided to make me into a vampire. She was creating an army of newborn vampires. She chose her newborns carefully. She chose me of my military system, secondly humans were being drawn to me. My ability to control the emotional enviroment around me made Maria's army more effectove. I guess you could say a bond was forming between Maria and I. It seemed like she depended on me, more and more. One of my tasks was execute members of our coven, who have outlined their newborn strength, and developed no other skills that made them valuable to the army. Eventually I had help from Peter. He was another former newborn who had proved himself worthy to Maria. I liked Peter because of his oddly civilized nature. We became friends. But he soon fell in love with another member of our coven. Charlotte. He yelled for her to run, and shortly ran after her. I could've easily caught them. But I let them go. Over the years, I became depressed I was tired of always being surronded by the devastating emotions of those I have killed. I could feel that Maria wanted to get rid of me. I began to think of a way I could kill her first. At this critical moment, Peter came back to find me. He told me of an alternative I had never imagines: Peter and Charlotte had been living peacefully in the North for the past five years, meeting several other covens that coexisted amicably. I left with Peter immediately. Peter and Charlotte are like my own siblings. I traveled with them for a few years, but I still had the depression. I was still killing humans, I felt there emotions as they died. I soon left the happy couple. In 1948 I encountered Alice. She approached me as if we were close friends and told me that I have "Kept her waiting long enough". I was very puzzled and wary, but Alice's joyful emotions impacted me greatly. When she held out her hand, I took it. And I felt an unfamiliar emotion: Hope." He took a steady breath. " I don't know what I would do without her."
"Shh, you never have to be that way again". Alice said lovingly. She kissed me.
"Want to move in?" I asked.
"Emily. Let them finish" Mom scolded.
"But they were already done." I argued back. Alice laughed. It sounded like bells.
"Yes, Emily. I have already seen it. But first I see you have questions for us." Alice joked. I giggled.
"Are you okay with moving in?" Mom asked concerned.
"Of course Esme. What do you think Jazz" Alice asked him.
"Of course madam'" Jasper said politely.
"Excellent you can move into Edwards room,his stuff can fit in the garage." Emmett told them. I was to excited to hold it in. I screamed in joy. I ran over to them and hugged them.
"I can't beleive I have a new brother and sister" I yelled.
"Emily!" My family said at the same time. I chuckled. Jasper and Alice laughed. "Come on i'll give you a tour." I grabbed both of there hands and hauled them upstairs. I should them the kitchen. I skipped up stairs and showed them Emmetts and Rosalies room. Next I showed them mom and dads room.On the second floor there was another kitchen with another living room. On ther third floor was Edwards bedroom, one master bedroom and my room.
"And this is my room"
"Wow" Alice said
"Thank you. I love fashion." I told her. She squealed and hugged me. She came two inches above my waist. She ran to my closet. Jasper was looking at something. I looked. It was my gutair."Do you play?" I asked him my British accent coming out.
"I used to when I was human," He said to me. He cocked his head to one side. "I didn't know you had an accent."
I chuckled. "I learned to put away my accent. I was born in England in the 1500's. Im sixteen and a hybrid. A vampire and a lycan. Thats porbaly why I don't smell like a human to you" He looked shocked. I heard a squeal coming from my closet. I went over to my gutair and grabbed it. I handed it to Jasper. "Keep it."
"No I can't Emily--"
"Consider it as a welcome home present. Please take it."
He nodded. "Thank you Emily." He slowly hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him.
"Your welcome Jasper. Or should I say brother?"
"Oh my! Emily! Can I keep this dress. " Alice said holding up one of my dresses. Jasper and I laughed.
Maybe hell isnt so bad when you have a family to back you up. I wonder what happens when we die. Is life hell or is it heaven? Is it heaven when you die, and hell when you live? For the living we do not know. But for the dead. . . They know.

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...