Chapter 51. When I Was Younger.

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"No, Charlie wasn't hurt. In fact he wasn't even touched." Bella's frantic and shakily voice whispered into the quiet loft. She arrived less than an hour ago with Edward pulling her into the house in a protective manner.  

I sighed and rubbed my hand across my face. While she was with the wolf boy, a random vampire made his way into her home. It couldn't have been a nomad. Why would a nomad visit Bella? It didn't make any sense. It couldn't have been the Volturi, Alice would have seen their moves in a blink of an eye. 

Emmett and Jasper were out there in the woods, searching for the passerby who stopped by. I wanted to be with them but sadly Carlisle and Esme agreed for me to stay here. After the day I had, it was probably best I didn't follow my brothers into the darkness. 

Thankfully Chief Swan was untouched as the unknown visited. Technically he was breaking and entering, which is a felinny. I made that joke a while ago and only Rosalie chuckled. 

"Who was it?" My father sighed dramatically. He was tired of people harming his family, he wanted peace with all man-kind but not every man kind wanted peace. Some of them wanted war. "Someone we know?" 

"Why would someone we know visit Bella and her father?" I thought out loud. I wasn't being sarcastic to Carlisle, it was a mere question. If that was the case, they had no business being in her home without permission. 

"Maybe they were curious?" Esme suggested innocently. 

I shook my head. "No, it has to be someone else." Bella visibly shook at my words and a part of me felt bad for the young girl. I guess if she wanted to be apart of this family she needed to understand the pros and cons. Even when she was human. 

Edward silently agreed with me. I studied my brothers face and I couldn't help but be worried as there was nothing but stress and anger on his facial features. "She's right. It was a stranger. I didn't recognize the scent." 

Esme unleashed a protective growl underneath her breath. "A nomad passing through?" 

"Passing through the house?" I groaned as I sat down onto the couch. I played with the zipper on my jacket and shook my head. "A nomad wouldn't have left Chief Swan alive. He or she would have tore him apart. Whoever this was, they're trained. It can't be a newborn." 

My head snapped towards the entrance of the doorway as both of my brothers walked in through the door. Jasper was in his war mode. He was always secretly happy for a hunt. "The scent disappeared five miles south of Bella's house." 

I snarled as I thought about the games that were being played here. Someone's pulling the strings while other people become their puppets. "Someones planning all of this. It's all thought out." 

Emmett lightly kicked my feet as they dangled over the side and smirked my way. "You thought of that all yourself?" 

I scoffed in mild irritation as another part of me smiled towards my brother. "Believe it or not but I am pretty smart." 

"Victoria?" Bella asked quietly. I wanted to snap at the sound of her name in my presences. I hated her before but now more than ever. Victoria would either die at my hands or my brothers, either way, I only hoped her death would be slow and painful. 

I flung myself upwards and flashed next to Edward. Bella's eyes were trained on me as I spoke. "No, Alice would have seen it and its not the Volturi either." Edward glanced at me in confusion. I shrugged my shoulders in response. "She's been watching everyone's decisions lately. Aro's been quiet along with his bitch -" 

"Emily!" Carlisle and Esme exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and sat back down in my spot. "That's enough." My father finished. 

"So we keep looking." Emmett suggested. He rubbed his hands together. Only he would be excited about a new intruder on our lands. 

"We'll also take shifts guarding Bella at her house." My father stated. I glanced down at my hands as I fiddled with my nails. I didn't mind protecting Bella and her father, I was more concerned with everything else. 

My "father", who I haven't heard from in months - almost a year, my ex and his new found lover who happens to be the women who wants Bella and my family to die, there was the Volturi who wanted to collect half of us and then there was my "imprint". 

My soulmate was somewhere out in La Push and I couldn't help but think about him. Was he okay? Was he thinking about me?  I didn't know and the sad part was that I wanted to know. My species and his were never suppose to mix and somewhere in this hell of a universe, the gods aloud it too happen. 

"Another protection detail?" Rosalie snapped harshly. She rose and stood in front of Emmett protectively while glaring madly at Bella. 

"Settle down, Rose. Not everything is her fault, ya know?" I shot back. It was just bad luck and unfortunately Bella Swan caught wind of all of it. 

"I'm not leaving you here defenseless." Edward took a step forward in determination and made sure Bella was listening. "I won't do it." 

"Neither will I." I nodded to them in loyalty. 

Bella shook her head defiantly and sighed in desperation. "And I'm not gonna let you starve. . and I wouldn't be alone - I have  .  . ." 

We all turned our heads to her as she was about to finish her sentence but as usual nothing came out. I had a feeling she was going to say something about the wolf that was currently in love with her. Jacob Black was a good person in the inside he just needed to let his hatred towards us go. 

In the long run, we would always protect one another, even if it meant we died trying.  

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