This may be short chapter again. Sorry. But im trying to hurry up to Twilight when Edward meets Bella. But of course im missing to very important people. Guess who? Please comment. I LOVE TO READ THEM . THANKS PEACE. (SO not cool).
All rights go to the amazing the powerful Stephine Meyer.
Emmetts P.O.V (I KNOW RIGHT)
Everyone told me there stories. Including Emilys and Rosalie. But Carlisle told me Emilys story.By far I felt bad for all of them. But I was furious with those men that did that to Rosalie. How dare they do that. They don't even diserve to be called men.My blood is boiling. Ha! if I had any. Still I am upset. How dare they? But Rosalie said that she got revenge. Not a side that I would like to see. When they told me what I was I was okay with it as long as Rosalie with me. When we all went hunting it was awesome. I killed a bear. There my favorite animal.
I tried deer but thats gross. I got a little blood on my shirt , but Esme said that she would have extra clothes for me. Whitch I am thankful for. Im also thankful for Rosalie she saved my life. When we walking in woods coming back to our home they explained to me that Emily is a hybrid. That she is stronger than a newborn and a werewolf put together.
I sighed, I want to wrestle with her, but by the looks of it none of them will allow it. I could clrealy tell that Emily is the baby of the group. I saw Edward nod his head.I looked at Rosalie who was pacing around the room. Emily hasnt come back yet. Were all a little worried. I mean she's like sixteen. Thats little. She maybe the oldest in vampire years, but she is the youngest in human years. So that means Edward and I are the big brothers, and Rosalie is the big sister. Wow! I always wanted a little sister.
But I meant short not almost as tall as me. To me Edward is the little brother here because im twenty. Edward raised an eyebrow at me. Oh right he can read minds. Thats not creapy at all, and Rosalie. I think im falling for her. She's sweet and caring, and most importantly beautiful. I am definatly falling for her. Hard. I saw Edward shaking his head with a small smile on his face. I looked around the room everyone was nervous. I mean im no physic (A/N hint hint) but it was all over there faces. Even me, I mean I only met her for a little while and the little ladybug already has me wraped around her finger. My leg was bouncing up and down, and it was raining outside. She said that she would come back at 6:00 that was four hours ago. I felt the need to look for her. But me being the newborn I have to wait for Carlisle to tell me im good. I already feel like a big brother to her.
"Maybe we should go look for her" Esme stated. Complete worry in her voice. She is just like a mother. I could tell that. Her and Emily already have a mother daughter conection.
"I agree i'll take the boys with me, don't worry Esme nothing bad happened to her. We will find her, and bring her back here. Safe and sound. I promise. She couldn't have gone that far" Carlisle said. Edward and I noded our heads. We were already on our feet. We went outside and waited for Carlisle. Edward is the fastest and I so wanted to race him. But right know our little sister needs the three of us.
Edward and I were getting soaked. Carlisle came out with a trench coat. What didn't we think of that?
"Okay she didn't go to far. She must of fallen asleep. I hope" Carlisle said. "Did the two fo you see which way she went?" Edward shooked his head.
"North." I told the both of them.
"Are you sure?" Carlisle asked me. He's doubting my mad skills?
"Positive." We all headed north, its been an hour since we have been searching. The three of us kept yelling her name, searching for a scent, a pieace of clothing, anything, but there was nothing. Im no good at feelings (A/N hint hint) but I could see that the two of them were getting upset, and scared with worry. Hell I was right there with them. We all stopped and looke around. Then I had this feeling. It was a gut feeling and it was telling me to go east. I looked at Carlisle and Edward they were to busy talking about were she coudl've gone. I shrugged my shoulders.
Yeah im hours old but still, she is my sister. I ran towards east. I sniffed. I caught a scent it was Emilys. Thank you lord or who ever runs that place. I followed the scent. I found a small clearing and a small patch of grass. I looked towards my right and saw a small figure lying on the ground shivering.Emily. I walked over to her. She was sleeping. I found my ladybug. Good. I picked her and cradeled her bridel style. She stirred and opened her eyes a little.
"Emm...ett." She stuttered.
"Shh" I cooed. "Go back to sleep. Your big brother bear has ya." I got you little sister.

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...