I'm pretty sure that you know this any!
But i do not own Twilight. Stephine Meyer does.
Athough i do own my own characters. :P
The five of us made it home safetly. Emmett grabbed Bella and held her like a football. A small tiny, fragile, irreplaceable football. I passed Bella'a turck, catching my reflection in the window. My hair was wind blown, frizzed and pointing every which way. Their was debrie in my hair, and small nicks healing slowly. Dried blood was on my cheek, lip, nose and at the end of my eye. You could tell that I had a go with someone. For some reason Alice didn't see anything. My father probably found a way to protect them from other vampires. If my family can't see, or sence them in anyway. My father has an advantage.
I rushed up the front steps of my home. When I opened the door, I was met with a shocked scene. Laurant. He was in out living room, talking to my family.
Mom walked over to me. "Sweetheart are you okay?"
I nodded. "One problem at a time." I went back to the conversation.
Emmett grinned and nodded. "We'll stop him" There was no doubt what he meant. Only my big bear of a brother could get so excited to kill someone.
Laurant shook his head "You can't beat him down, I've never seen anything like him in my three hundered years. He's absoulutely lethal. That's why I joined his coven."
I narrowed my eyes. His coven? So Jame's was the leader. Should've known by the way he acted. Laurant was to laid back to be a leader. I've never met a tracker before.
'Edward I think I know what's going to happen mext. Fill me in later, I'll pack.' I thought to him.
Edward nodded his head, not taking his eyes off of Laurant. As I made my way to the stairs, I sent Laurant a deathly glare. He better not hurt my little sister, or I will tear him to shreds. Laurant shrunk back under my glare. I smirked. Much better. I flashed up the stairs and packed what I needed. Clothes, and my combat knife. Never go anywhere with out it. I sighed and went downstairs. Just a couple of months ago, Edward was alone, now, Bella came along and we are a closer family . It just took a crazy, physcho tracker to do it. I looked around, Laurant was no longer with us. Good he was getting my nerves up.
"So what's the plan?" Mom asked.
Before anyone could say anything. I spoke up. "My brain had an amazing idea. What if I wore Bella's sweater, and run outside of the Jeep, while your driving with the windows down. he'll think Bella's in the car. We'll lead him one way, while mom and Rosalie lead the away red haired Annie. And by that time Jasper, Bella, and Alice will be in Arizonia" My family looked at me in awe. "That's offensive"
Bella's heart beat picked up "Won't that be dangerous?"
"Bella," I smirked." Of course it will be dangerous. But if it wasn't , where would the fun be in that?"
Mom smiled at me. She hurridly grabbed Bella and went upstaris. It was quite when they left. Nobody spoke. Nobody moved. In a short amount of time, they both came down, in different clothes.
Everybody got down to business. Dad spoke up first. "Alice, Jasper - take the Mercedes. You'll need the dark tint in the south." They nodded. So Jasper was going with Bella? Can he handle it? What if he can't? What if he goes off the deep end? Edward tensed, hearing my thoughts. Oops, so maybe its not the best time to bring thoughs thoughts up. "We'll take the jeep"

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...