Picture- Emily Crying
Song- Maroon 5 come way to the water
Everything belongs to Stephenie Meyer. Except for my own characters. ,I really appreciate all the reads, votes, and comments. YOUR AWESOME AND AMAZING. No words. . . . . except for the words I just said.
(No hate messages) *please*
I fell asleep on the couch, my head was on Jasper's lap. I heard the front door slam.
"Your stupid Edward!" Rosalie snarled "You could've exposed us all !"
" Somebody better be dead or dying!"I sat up quickly and saw that Emmett was behind Rosalie, "Trying" To calm her. Mom and dad were next to each other. Edward was glaring at Rosalie. Jasper moved towards the situation. While Alice side stepped towards Jasper. "Were still talking about Bella aren't we?" I asked them annoyed. I was annoyed because they woke me up.
"Yes you idiot!" Rosalie snapped.
"Well" I said offended. I got off the couch and walked to Edward. "What's the problem now?"
Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett looked at me like I was stupid. "Are you serious?" they asked me.
"Yes! Edward saved her life. If it wasn't for him, she would be dead. Her blood would've been spilt. Jasper or Edward or any of us could've killed her, and that could've exposed us! So its a lose, lose situation. No matter what happened today Edward saved her life. Besides her blood's special to Edward. Think about it for a second would ya! " I growled.
Rosalie scoffed. "I say we kill her. She's just a human"
"No" Mom, dad, Alice, Edward, and I said in a firm voice.
"She's just a human. I'm not leaving!" Rosalie growled back. Typical everything is about her.
"Okay that is enough. Rosalie we will not destroy her, we will simply wait and see what happens. But in till then I suggest that we all stay low. Are we clear?" Dad said in a firm voice, we all nodded our heads. All though Rosalie was still pissed off. Dad grabbed moms hand and went upstairs. I heard dads library door shut. Alice walked over to me and held me hand.
"Jasper I've seen it happen. She will become one of us" Alice pleaded. He shook his head.
"Alice what if the Volturi come into this. I'm with Rosalie on this one." Jasper said glaring at Edward.
"Jasper you leave her alone!" I told him. Everyone was shocked. Probably because I have never fought back towards Jasper. He's always been like the big protective brother. "She could be the one for Edward. Don't you care?"
" Edward you know I care about your happiness. But I wont let it hurt Alice! " Jasper said softly.
We all turned to the stairs were my parents came down. Dad looked disappointed, and mom looked awful I know she didn't like it when her children fought.
"I thought I told you to drop it?" dad asked us all.
I walked up to him, "But dad this could be Edwards love. He's already protective of her. And Alice keeps seeing her in her visions. Make them see reason!" I pleaded. I want my brother to be happy. He's been alone to long.
"What do you know about love Emily?" Rosalie hissed. Everyone gasped. Okay I'll let that one slide. I tried to hide my tears.
"I don't know Rose" I told her simply.

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...