I do not own of the twilight characters. Stephanie Meyer does. I do own my own characters.
I am so so sorry that it took so long. Allot of things were happing in my life. I was preparing for school, studying, It was my birthday, I fell sick, and then I went to Chicago, Illinois. So I was very busy. I am so sorry that you had to wait so long, I feel really bad.
I hope you like this chapter.
~ Heather.
I knocked on dad's office, I wanted to tell him about my other Devil dad. What if Carlisle kicks me out, because there's danger? What if something happens?
"Come in Emily."
I gulped and opened the door. My dad was sitting behind his desk, smiling, but had a concern expression on his face. My mother was by his side. Well here's goes nothing.
Mom smiled. "What can we do for you sweetie."
I sat down in front of them. "Since were the only ones in the house, I figured its the best time to tell you things. Remember when I left before James attacked? Well I ran into Maria. She wasn't hostile, but she wanted her little minions to kill me. Before they killed me. . . I-I killed him. I'm not proud of it. Then the day James left and tracked Bella, I went a different way by myself because I smelt a different scent. When I followed it, I met another tracker. A tracker that was hired by my father. He knew were I lived. The tracker and I fought. so that's why when I came home I had blood on me. The thing is my dad know's where I live. He wont stop in till he kills me, or he kills my loved ones. He's coming. What if something happens to one of you? Look, when the tracker came. Alice didn't see them coming. So right there they have the advantage point. And I know your probably disappointed in me for not telling you earlier, but I wanted to make sure that Bella was okay, and safe. I'm afraid that if I don't find my father now, he'll come to me, and I cant have that happening." I sighed sadly and looked between my parents. My moms face had a mixed of sadness, fear, and love. Dad's face was unreadable. Please don't be mad at me.
Dad clasped his hands together and leaned forward on the desk. "Sweetie why didn't you say something to me earlier? We've been back from Arizona for a week."
"Because, everything calmed down. Plus I didn't want Bella in a line of cross fire. We can take care of ourselves but. . . she's human. I did- I don't want anything to happen to you. Your my family."
Mom got up and quickly came besides me. "Emily were family like you said. Anytime you want to talk were here. We can get through this together."
Dad nodded "Now about your father. Do you think that he'll act quickly, or will he wait for the right moment?"
I thought about it. "He'll probably wait for the right moment."
He nodded again. "Than we'll be prepared."
I gulped. "You don't understand. If Alice cant see then than he had the advantage. He was powerful back them, he could be more powerful now. I don't know his weaknes's or strengths. That tracker he hired was strong I'm surprised I took him down."
Mom clasped my hand. "We stand together, we fight together. No matter what."
I looked at dad. "Promise?"

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...