Everything belongs to Stephenie Meyer.
Except my own character
Picture-smashed van with Bella.
(No hate comments. . .Please)
Thank you all for reading my story I really appreciate it.
Tell a friend.
When I opened my eyes in the morning , something was different. It was light? It was still gray-green light of a cloudy day in the forest, but it was clearer some how. I realized there was no fog covering my tall, wide, glass window. I jumped up to look outside. I squealed in joy.
A fine layer of snow covered the yard, dusted the top of Emmett's Jeep pulling away from the house. I sighed, and plopped down on my bed. My eye's widen. Emmett's jeep pulling away?! They did not leave me here. There going to make me drive my car. I hate driving, I'm afraid someone lunatic might bump into. I groaned, and hopped in the shower, then changed. I didn't even get the chance to blow dry my hair, it looks like a freaking rats nest, but wet. I flashed downstairs and saw that my parents are looking at each other adoringly. I wonder if I would ever be looked at like that. I shook my head. Snap out of it.
Mom realized that they weren't alone. " Honey I thought you were with the others?" she stated.
"Yeah so did I, but apparently I thought wrong, because they left me here." I mumbled "I got to go. See you later." I flashed to my Cobra and floored it.
(Flashed to school)
When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw my brothers laughing at me. Even Edward. I pulled next to them almost running over there feet in the process. I got out of my car slamming the door. I growled at them. "Emmett I'm going to kill you!"
He chuckled "What happened to you hair? You look like a drowned cat." My siblings laughed.
"Guys leave her alone" Alice said, sticking up for me.
"Thank you Alice" I hugged her and stuck out my tongue out at them. We all chuckled at our playfulness.
Alice gasped. "No"
"What-" I was cut off by the sound of screeching tires. They must of locked. I looked up to see Tyler's Van coming towards Bella, and her truck. "Edward" I whispered. I was frozen, I couldn't move. I new how much Bella meant to him, he just wouldn't admit it to himself. I looked over to Edward, but he wasn't there. In a second I saw Edward run in inhuman speed and pulled her down so she wouldn't get hit. He put both hands out in front of him protecting her. The Van stopped but slid to the side of her back end of the truck , the way the van was moving it was going to crush her legs, Edward lifted her legs quickly and the van at the same time and let it fall.
How could he do that? I understand the whole "I love her" thing but still. He could've exposed us. I have been watching her lately, she's very observant. He better not screw it. Aro, and the rest of the Volturi doesn't know that I'm still alive, and I'm keeping it that way. The whole parking lot of people came rushing towards them. Edward quickly popped out and walked away. Bella soon stood up, not a scratch on her. I sighed in relief. I knew what her blood did to Eddy boy. Rosalie gritted her teeth. Yup there will be hell today. I could tell that my family was upset. Heck I'm even upset, but I'm just worried that he'll screw it up, I'm worried for my family. They all got quickly into there cars and pulled out. Great no school. Eh, screw school. I got into my car and headed towards the hospital hoping I could catch dad in time incase Rosalie decides to make a scene. Rosalie is going to major pissed. She hates moving. I hope the damage isn't to bad.

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...