I do not own anything except Emily BOO YA (HAPPY DANCE)
Emily's P.O.V
We all ran outside. I love to run it's the only thing that makes me feel free. We stopped inside the woods. Rosalie looked so shocked that she could run that fast.
"It comes with being a vampire" I told her.I climbed up the nearest tree, and hung upside down from a high branch. I saw Edward's face he had an bushy eyebrow raised with a smirk on his face. He doesn't really like Rosalie that much,and Rosalie doesn't like him that much. Dad thought they would "love" each other. HA. Probaly just brother and sister. Dad was to busy to notice me he was macking sure there were no humans in the woods. When Rosalie saw me she gasped.
'Do they seriously think that im going to fall' I thought to Edward. He shrugged his shoulders , bordly. ' Don't be rude Mr. No fun at all'
"Get down from there now." Mom said sternly.
"But its so fun" I whined. Mom pointed to the ground.
"Now" Dad said having moms back.
"Okay" I sulked. I flipped off the branch and landed on my feet infront of them. I looked at them and smiled. "Im down" Edward shook his head.
"Now that we got that out of the way. Rosalie I want you to close your eyes and take a breath. Edward, Emily I want you to run after her if she gets to....wild". Dad said. We both noded our heads. I looked at Rosalie hopefully, she will be okay. We explained everything to her. She didn't really take it to well. But we are all here. We support our family. "Now I want you to listen. What do you hear?" She took a deep breath and stuck her head to the side.
"Everything" Rosalie said. I smiled.
"Listen harder" I told her. I listened too so I could pin point were the animals were. I sniffed. They were dear. Yuck. There not that good, but they did sastain the thirst. They were towards the north about seven of them. But a wolf pack was scoping them out. 'We have to hurry if we want our meal.' I thought towards Edward. He noded his head in agrement.
"North" Rosalie said.
"Good. Now what do you smell?" Dad asked.
"Moss, the grass. You, Esme, Edward and Emily." She said. Why am I always the last one? " I also smell....." She scrunched up her nose. I giggled.
"Yeah they don't smell so good, but will help with the itchy throat problem." I told her.She snapped open her eyes. She looked at me.
"What do I do?" She asked me.
"What do you feel like doing?" I replied back. Dad gave me a warning look. I shrugged one one of my shoulders. " Just let it flow". She took off with Edward and I on her heels. Mom and dad were a little while back. Were by the herd pf deer in secounds.
'Edward im going to catch me some wolves there about twenty yards away from the deer. So if you need anything big bro just holler.' He noded. I put a hand on Rosalies shoulder.
"Good luck" I told her. I ran towards the wolves, and crouched down behind a bush. I was about to attack when two baby wolves came out with, a female wolf. One of the larger wolf came over and licked there faces. I froze, there family.
(Flashback) 1592
Today my mom and I were up against the cages, talking. I woke up crying. Mother was trying to calm me down.
"We are not a familt. I don't have a father". I cried to her. She put her hand through the bars and cupped my face in her hand.
"We wil always be a family." She said fearsly.
(Flashback ends)
I felt a tear roll down my face. Family.
"Your doing good. But we'll try to teach you to be less...messy" Mom said. I looked to towards my family. Rosalie looked like she bathed in blood. I smiled.
"Sorry" She mumbled. I walked over to of the lone deer and snapped its neck, and drug it over to the wolfs. I may have been thirsty but they need it more than me. I threw it over to them, and ran towards my family.
"Don't be Rosalie. You need time." I told her.
"Thank you" She said. I sighed I wish I could say to her that everything will be okay. That it will get better. But im not strong enough.

Twilight plus one
Fanfiction❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone who fought her all her life and is losing a battle. A battle that enters her mind. Follow Emily as she escapes Aro, meats Esme, Carlisle...